What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.


Hari Om everyone! Regulars here will know that every weekend is Peace, Wisdom and Love time here at MENO-bloggy. However, today is a bit extra special. Having seen the logo around for several years, I had not fully appreciated that there was a 'Peace Central', so to speak; it is thanks to the shout out from Anne at Zoolatry that the connection has finally been made. Every November 4th, like-minds of the world unite for a single posting purpose...I would definitely be happy to claim the title of

The theme for #blog4peace this year is 'finding peace in overwhelming times' ... this is very subjective; everyone must decide what - for them - equals peace. As a philosopher, it would be possible to write an an entire essay on any aspect of this. Of course, the implication is that it is Peace of Global Proportions which is being focused upon... but the fact of the matter is this can only happen when each of the individuals in the community feels that peace. Any who do not will end up being 'the rub' which causes disturbance. If enough individuals within any community of any size are at peace within themselves, it will emanate to the wider circle and the overall balance will, indeed, be peace. That might be considered a triumph. 

To find one's own peace, to get the ball rolling, one must seek out the things which bring the most amount of non-desire within us. Desire is what rankles and must be satisfied, even if it is simply for a cup of tea or a bar of chocolate. Desires which cannot be satisfied are what lead to agitation, frustration and anger. 

Therefore take a step toward peace and assess your desires. Keep only those which are going to function for the greater good. Desire peace!

"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship."



    "Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship."
    Hugs HiC

  2. so true! peace does have a ripple effect and the whole community stands to gain when a group radiates peacefulness
    nice post

  3. I don't know whether finding my personal peace out in the mountains or the desert furthers world peace. However, it brings me happiness, and that's enough for me right now.

    You said this so beautifully.

  4. Welcome to the peace movement, Yanni. Your words are indeed powerful and resonate strongly with this community. This peace globe image gives me chills (awesome!) and brings happiness. Thank you. Blessings to you.
    Peace to you and yours,

    and thanks to Ann for recruiting others! Love to you.

  5. A very beautiful post! I love that you focus on peace every weekend.

  6. Peace is a wonderful focus to have. Today, and any day of the week!

  7. Having trouble posting comment. Lovely blog and great message. Stop by for a visit if you can. https://jamiesplace.wordpress.com

  8. We're having trouble with peace! We're putting Dorah down on Monday. We both feel awful...

  9. Beautiful! I take a knee to purr for peace today and every day.

  10. I want to say something profound, but my head keeps me from it: there's cotton wool in it from a lovely head cold that only bothers me in the peaceful hours of night. Which then become not so peaceful!

    Anyway, love the post and the sentiment. Will try to be more peaceful, with our without the head cold.

  11. Wonderful message!
    Peace to you ☮

  12. Lovely peace post with much wisdom. Thank you for participating and creating such a vibrant peace globe.
    #10,475 in the Official Peace Globe Gallery @blog4peace.com

  13. Peace in a spoonful or a bucket or a world wide web is awesome!
    I enjoyed your post and love the butterfly and a peaceful metamorphosis to to our Earth!


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