This page serves in place of using the gadget in the sidebar.
Most labels are self-explanatory, but where it is deemed appropriate, an elaboration is provided.
Aitch - a 'sister' friend
ANL Redubs - posts prompted by letters to family from India
ArtVibe - exploring creative works
A-Z 2021 - another crazy month
BoomerangPosts - rerunning some oldie but goodies
Canine Chronicles - stories of the ashram dogs
Crochet Crafting - all things creatikul, but particularly yarn-based
Crow Capers - posts prompted by watching the birdies
Daily Mess - a heap of randomness
Deconstruction - posts where a large dose of introspection goes on
DIDs - the 'desert island discs' selection
East Anglia - see also 2018L-Suffolk
Emm - another 'sister' friend
Etherwobblies - posts on matters techno
FFF - First and Final Fridays of the month contain film and fiction
FFHT - a series of fiction specific to prompts from within the pet blogger community
Filosofee - posts on deep and meaningful
FirstsTrip - the very first, very long tour with The Grey
Havant - adventures house and cat-sitting with Tigger.
Hindertwig Tales - a small series for FFF.
Havant - adventures house and cat-sitting with Tigger.
Hindertwig Tales - a small series for FFF.
Irvine and Isaac; also Fletcher, Spirit, Sprout, Albus the puppies I sponsor(ed) for their Guide Dog Training
It's a Process - a variation on the daily mess combined with deconstruction and 'filosofee'
Ma'n'Pa - posts about my parents
Menoculayshunal - a process of spirit and thinking
Menolibrikul - reviews, mainly books, some films
Menoloopal - a gripe or more
Menosukhi Moments - slightly soppy
Menopuzzling - jigsaws galore!
MenoSundays - the weekly post of insight and Love with the capital 'ell'
Menoturals - Saturday Sounds (of birds)
MumbOZ 2017 - Mumbai and Australia visit
Museums (which also includes aquariums and galleries...)
Nobby (Nice or Naughty?!)
On The Buses - trips made now I have my seniors card!
OoWaC - the Office of Wellness and Concerns; posts with specific reference to the role
OoWaC - the Office of Wellness and Concerns; posts with specific reference to the role
OpertnStuffy - Operation Stuffy filled up the bloggy whilst MumbOZ was underway
OZ - all about Australia... for more with a specific focus, see also the Wide Brown Land (WBL)
The Grey - the all-electric Transit van, YAMster's mobile hutch
The J's - YAM's pets, Jade Dog and Jasper Cat and Jet the Guinea Pig
The Macs - YAM's siblings .... September 2021 with Mac1
The Maestro - YAM's niece