What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Host of Labels

This page serves in place of using the gadget in the sidebar.

Most labels are self-explanatory, but where it is deemed appropriate, an elaboration is provided.

Advaita Vedanta Concepts - all posts (from Aug 2019) in which Vedanta is represented
Aitch - a 'sister' friend
ANL Redubs - posts prompted by letters to family from India
ArtVibe - exploring creative works
Ashram Life
A-Z 2018 - a month driven by the alphabet
A-Z 2021 - another crazy month
A-Z 2022 - she did it again!

Bertie Boffin - blogpal and country-fellow
BoomerangPosts - rerunning some oldie but goodies

Canine Chronicles - stories of the ashram dogs
Crochet Crafting - all things creatikul, but particularly yarn-based
Crow Capers - posts prompted by watching the birdies

Daily Mess - a heap of randomness
Deconstruction - posts where a large dose of introspection goes on
DIDs - the 'desert island discs' selection

Emm - another 'sister' friend
Etherwobblies - posts on matters techno

FFF - First and Final Fridays of the month contain film and fiction
FFHT - a series of fiction specific to prompts from within the pet blogger community
Filosofee - posts on deep and meaningful
FirstsTrip - the very first, very long tour with The Grey


Havant - adventures house and cat-sitting with Tigger.
Hindertwig Tales - a small series for FFF.

Irvine and Isaac; also Fletcher, Spirit, Sprout, Albus the puppies I sponsor(ed) for their Guide Dog Training
It's a Process - a variation on the daily mess combined with deconstruction and 'filosofee'

Ma'n'Pa - posts about my parents
Menoculayshunal - a process of spirit and thinking
Menolibrikul - reviews, mainly books, some films
Menoloopal - a gripe or more
Menolyrical - creativity. Sort of...
Menorise - the Saturday Sayings
Menosukhi Moments - slightly soppy
Menopuzzling - jigsaws galore!
MenoSundays - the weekly post of insight and Love with the capital 'ell'
Menoturals - Saturday Sounds (of birds)
Menowercogitatus - Thinking Thursdays
Me-Now-Views - the Tuesday Less Speak More Peek posts
MumbOZ 2017 - Mumbai and Australia visit
Museums (which also includes aquariums and galleries...)

Nobby (Nice or Naughty?!)

On The Buses - trips made now I have my seniors card!
OoWaC - the Office of Wellness and Concerns; posts with specific reference to the role
OpertnStuffy - Operation Stuffy filled up the bloggy whilst MumbOZ was underway
OZ - all about Australia... for more with a specific focus, see also the Wide Brown Land (WBL)

The Grey - the all-electric Transit van, YAMster's mobile hutch
The J's - YAM's pets, Jade Dog and Jasper Cat and Jet the Guinea Pig
The Macs - YAM's siblings .... September 2021 with Mac1
The Maestro - YAM's niece 

USA/Can or use YAM'sBAR for posts specific to meeting peeps and pups in the furs!

YAM - What's in a name?