What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Floraleye 2

It's Nature Friday... and I am short on photographic supply. What I will do for January and February is keep it very simple. A single photo each week to keep Rosy (and Sunny) smiling and bring a little bit of summer into these deep winter days.

Menorbulayshun! (Moment of Uplift)

Dear readers, I have something extra special to share with you today. Those of you who follow Nobby's blog may already have seen the post, but I am including the same screenshots of the newsletter from Cumbria here so that no one misses out. When sending me this wonderful update, Stephen mentioned that a blog from their side may yet be a way off, but I think this works just fine in the interim. What say you?

Menoizikul; Midweek Musicalisms

First, this is a reminder that if you would like your music featured in these midweek posts, send me some links!

Joni sent me two items featuring piano: Ahmad Jamal and Oscar Peterson. I settled for the latter because, while Jamal's pure piano was rather lush, Peterson's offering is more traditional jazz and a bit more easy listening for the unfamiliar ear. Sit back and drift.