warned me. She was right. This was one wild cat. When I got near the cage the roaring got even
louder. Jasper truly rocked the
neighbourhood when he got going. He
didn't do it often, but when he did, no matter how deep a sleep on that 'braw
bricht moolicht nicht', you'd be out of it without any bother. Which of course would mean every house around
would also be full of wakeful, less than pleased, human beings.
Now it
felt like needles coming against my eardrums.
What's more it was clear he'd been overusing his voice. Like an opera singer who had strained.
I reached
out and lifted a corner of the towel that covered the cage. Straight away the claws were poking
through. Thankfully, it was a bird cage
and therefore having very narrow-gauged bars, because had be got the whole paw
through I may not have had any skin left on the back of my hand.
the towel further, we finally made eye contact.
The roar stopped
We stared
at each other for what felt like 4 billion hours, but was probably only about
30 seconds. Then he started again, only
this time it was directly at me and not at the world in general. I think it went something like…
![]() |
"You have NO idea what it was like..." |
the **** have you been?! Have you any
idea what I've ^^%%%%% been through?!
Could you not have even tried a (***&%$*() bit harder to find
me?!!!" and various other sentiments to that effect.
watching all this, muttered "He knows you then." Typical laconic Aussie !
the towel back over Jasper, I made my regards and farewells to Merry and
tentatively picked the cage up by the hanging ring. What might normally have been a 10-12 minute
walk was made in under 5 minutes. He
scared me that much.
Once we
got home, I left the cage in the shade of the veranda on the table. I didn't want Jade putting her nose anywhere
near those claws or the relationship may have taken a nasty turn. She circled the table and did stand up on her
hind legs, but couldn't get near the cage.
She barked a bit at first for she couldn’t see Jasper and also he must
have smelled somewhat different after his travails.
quietened quite quickly. After an hour I
lifted the towel off. He was resting but
on the alert. This time though, he
seemed to fully realise who I was and that he was safe again. No more hiss and spit. No more yowling. I put a small amount of food and some milk up
beside the cage, then opened the door. (Those of you who had perhaps been
thinking budgerigar should now realise we are talking parrot cage. Plenty room.)
At last I was able to take good measure of his condition. He was slow to leave the cage, but the lure
of his favourite fish meat did the trick.
My beautiful silver boy of nearly 7kgs had become an almost uniform grey
of the dull muddy kind and was down to less than 3kgs. (Confirmed that later when he let me hold him
again and we stood on the scales - and no it wasn't because I had put on 4kgs!)
One can
only surmise what he had been through and how he'd survived. Almost certainly it would have been lizards
and bugs for food and possibly a mouse or two.
Not enough of them either. The
vet said it was surely due to Jasper's hunting prowess that he had lived at
all. He had to have one tooth extracted
which had loosened. Other than that,
apart from weight loss, he was okay.
emotional damage was there though. For
months he never left the grounds. He
hated when I left home. When I was home
he wanted only to be near me. Thankfully
he also let Jade cuddle and tease and play as before, but it took a while for
her to cajole him. She'd bring a stick
and sit patiently, wanting him to take the other end for tug of war.
having wanted to share her throwing toys with him before, she'd bring them and
drop them in front of Jasper. Once he
got over the first traumatic weeks, he began to show interest in these and Jade
had created a new game between them. As
soon as Jasper made his move, she'd grab and toss it away; then wait for him to
head towards it and race him. Then again
she'd toss it. All the way to the back
fence, round the tree and down again.
Jasper had the good sense to only go through this routine once on any
given day.
So we
worked ourselves out. There was one
major change though. Until that time,
Jasper had been very tolerant of joining in bath time. Jet would get bathed. Jade would get bathed, then Jasper's turn. Then they'd all lie out on the grass together
sun-drying. Now though, clearly due to
the dreadful water torture he must have endured, Jasper was no way going to
have another bath. I did manage to get
the worst of the yucky off him. After
that though, he ensured his own grooming.
He did
let me start brushing him again and doing our nightly massage (flea and tick
search - Sydney is bad for these and even proprietary solutions fell short of their promises).
But as soon as the sound of water in bucket reached his ears he became
trouble was, Jade observed this and from that day forward bath time with Jade
became a serious operation, involving more exercise for mum than in a standard
More antics with J's next week, wherein you will read
of the monstering of Jade by the bully next door...
Oh my goodness, Yam. Poor Jasper! I take this to mean he was missing in action for quite a while.
ReplyDeletePoor you, too.
And poor Jade. I used to have a cat-and-dog duo who were very close. The cat would insist upon coming along when I walked the dog, or else meet us halfway en route with a smug look on his face. When the dog died, the cat spent weeks looking for "his" dog. I didn't follow him, but I'm sure he went along the walking route quite often during his searches.
I love menosoukhi day.
ReplyDeleteHari Om
ReplyDeleteKay - yes if they form a bond, cat and dog are as close as anything. Keep reading.....
Mahal - you ol' sukhi you!!