What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menomaging; Random Picz Along Menory Lane

Decided to go into the files and see what came up, then build from it...

The island of Spetses, in the Mediterranean sea.  Greece in miniature.  Rode around on a scooter! Or walked. 1988.  Early September, come to think of it. Very hot, very dry. Picked wild oregano, olives and peppercorns.

Had nothing to do with the hanging of octo-corpses.

Was persuaded to indulge in Retsina.  Don't do that. Else you end up looking like these blokes.  A bit strung out. Should I point out, if the seating is not the clue, that this was the hotel restaurant?

Ate lots of food - not these, not here. By silent roadsides away from town; dolmades and rice-stuffed tomatoes the size of pumpkins. Feta cheese so fresh it still bleated. Olive oil so sweet. Cucumber and capsicum, crisper than an ice floe. Olives dark and lush, flavoured by the sun, or green and peppery. Practiced book-bought Greek; brought smiles and hugs.

Dusty. Happy. Warm inside and out.


  1. A nice little package of memories.

  2. You made me hungary but not the little fish bodies hanging on the drying line.

  3. OMD they hung the octopi Out to DRY?

    Love the descriptions of the Foods you ate... Cheese so fresh it Bleats... YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

  4. Retsina. Oh dear. Strung out like the octopuses. I am duly warned!
    Cheers, Gail.

  5. I so adore your turn of phrase!
    "Feta cheese so fresh it still bleated."

  6. I wouldn't be too happy eating my food right next to the octo-corpses either. Didn't they smell? The other food you described were in such detail (to my tastebuds anyway), that I could almost taste them. So, now I look like Oswin when she gets a nice cuddle: drooling!


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