What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoffagainorrhea [me-noff-again-or-rhea]; the condition of the endless traveller

Not quite today; but I am packing. Friday is the actual departure day; first to the ferry then onto the train, change at Glasgow and then North and East-ish. Going to be meeting up with a blogpal! Just a couple of nights there (where?... patience dear reader!) then will be heading South to Edinburgh.

It will be the first trip out of Dunoon since the East Anglia sojourn. Four months already. It surely flies by, the ticky tocky. 

In that time, though, things have settled that much more again. Life has finally taken on a level of routine with no inherent upheaval; so of course it has become necessary to create some for myself! It wasn't difficult. There was a timely invitation in conjunction with a family requirement. Things were further enhanced by the offer of specially priced tickets for rail travel for the over 55's. All systems go!

As much as anything, I am looking forward to the train trip. I've mentioned it before, perhaps... excuse the enthusiasm. I shall of course make the most of the places visited. There can be no denying though, that the actual travel process is something I greatly enjoy.

Not so much the hoisting of luggage, these days.  The body isn't quite as supple or as strong as it was.  I travel light though, and have rarely found myself without assistance at key times. Like getting on and off the carriage for example. It has to be said that the trains of the UK are not overly passenger friendly in this regard. Aussie trains definitely have it over this lot for boarding convenience.

The variety of trains here is part of the fun. On the whole the designs do not vary so much; but there are great differences in operator livery.  When there is a different roller stock on the line, it becomes appealing to the eye. Then there is all the scenery which lines the track. I shall share what I see on this impending trip in all due time.  For now, let us whet the appetite with some taken in Glasgow on the return journey from the South last trip.

(c) Yamini Ali MacLean

It was pre-games time and the motto of People Make Glasgow appeared in all sorts of places.

(c) Yamini Ali MacLean

This rolling stock was something I had seen at a distance a couple of times - bit this time I was getting to ride on it!  As Scotrail is currently operated by French-owned FirstGroup, I suspect these carriages of being ex-Paris metro. 

(c) Yamini Ali MacLean

I love the symmetry and design of rail stations...

Then spotted something in the distance that was new to me also...

(c) Yamini Ali MacLean

Lean, mean-looking front end, that. Aerodynamic I suppose...  Okay YAM, stop boring the audience...


  1. How I wish I lived in a country that had train connections, and a superabundance of rolling stock. Just the name conjures up dreams of flight and fancy.

  2. Train Travel is so... RELAXING... I wish we had a good rail system in this country NOW...

    SO TELL US.... will you be meeting up with Miss Gail and Bertie???

  3. I'm very fond of train travel so relaxing and you see a lot of the countryside.
    Our government gives all us 4 free train trips a year within our state, I always upgrade to first class not too expensive and not so crowded and never go in school holidays.

  4. Don't get too excited about the Scotrail rolling stock that services Aberdeen…. Hopefully not too crowded on Friday afternoon (but from Edinburgh, I always chose the more spacious East Coast over Scotrail, especially Sunday evenings).
    But then Scotrail have Club 55 which is of course in their favour.

  5. Not boring at all! For a housebound sicko I'm so happy to visit you! *cough* *cough*
    I travel vicariously through my blog buddies!
    I shall look forward to these!
    Happy trails. Love trains, too! Mmmm, there's an idea for a post!


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