What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoxylinctused [men-ocksy-link-tossed]; the days of straightening out Dads

Most of you, dear readers, have noted my recent sojourn to the grand city of Aberdeen, with attendant beauties and fine company.

I landed up in Edinburgh, thereafter.  Length of stay undetermined.  Mac3 had popped up from Notts to cover the weekend till my arrival.  Why?  'Twas 'cause the Father had cataract surgery on the last weekend of October.  A procedure which, these days, is fairly routine and for the most part incredibly effective at the soonest time.

Mac3 departed on the Monday, having confirmed for me the routine for the drops. Two lots at that point. The Father seemed to think he'd manage them himself fairly soon.

'Fairly soon' proved to me that this would be unlikely!  I am a free agent.  I can write wherever I am, especially now I have this trusty wee tablet ('YAMspetoo', or Y2 if you get to know it well...) I 'fairly soon' adjusted myself and decided to stay through to this coming weekend, being the 8th of November.  On that day I shall see the Father onto a train bound for Notts where Mac2 and Mac3 can take over the guardianship again.

Dear Pa.  Age is bad enough without disorders eating into it. Parkinsonism is not conducive to self-administration of eye stuffs.

He's well-pleased with the eye itself, though.  His vision in that one is better than mine now!

He had me shivering bejiggers the other night though.  Announcing he had to attend dental surgery early the next morning, I offered I would drive him there. The appointment at 9am means my time- obsessive father requires that we leave the driveway by 8am.  For a 10 minute run.  True the traffic may offer some resistance.  ...but how am I to change a pattern my mother despaired of all these years?

Why the skin-ripple?  "oh," says he, "if you're not there I'll drive myself".... !!!!!!!!!!

I think most of you know that is banned until his optical checkup in four weeks time. Tsk. He can glint and wink at me all he likes.  I can confiscate keys with the best of them...

As life would have it, we left at 8:15am and arrived by 8:30 (there was five minutes of traffic delay). Off he toddled, only to return by 8:50... the regular man was still unwell (this was the third reschedule) so another appointment was given for 10:40. 

Fine.  Off we went to the big shopping mall for some groceries, dropped them back home and had time for a wee sit doon... 

We were half an hour early for that appointment. I played 'hangman' with a wee gadget. He was out soon enough with a new tooth.  Well. A new filling representing a tooth anyway. Soup for lunch. Then a bun.  I've been baking up a storm.  Which is interesting given I dinny really bake. More your savoury cook, me.  The shadow of the ever-baking mother must have been seeping in!!!

It's all good. 


  1. Over-punctual fathers. Oh I am a world expert in that field. And have inherited the obsessive punctuality gene myself. What's the time now? 19:20. Better be setting off for dog agility club meeting at 8pm then. After all who knows what traffic obstacles one might encounter on a two mile drive at this time in the evening. I'm sure your Dad would understand...
    So pleased his cataract op went well.
    Enjoy the baking activities.
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. So you are saying that Father is a bit ORNERY... We like that in a guy, you know..
    So happy that the surgery went well.
    Sniff Snifffffffffffffffff
    we think we smell somethingy GOOD in the oven.

  3. Crikey your dad sounds like my Nan. She's 96. Full of Scottish blood. If mum's not there at least 2 hours before an appointment to pick her up she's been known to abscond from the nursing home to hop on a bus. Any bus will do. She's been found miles from where she wants to go. It would be funny if it weren't so dangerous. She's almost blind from macular degeneration.

  4. My grand was like that independent till the end, she lived with us as she got older so as a kid I never considered old people could not do anything.
    She was 95 when she died and I still miss her a lot.

  5. Poor dad. I was back behind the wheel the next day. I suppose you won't mention that to him.

  6. Hari OM
    EEKKK!! To be honest, as far as sight is concerned he could probably drive - but there is always a risk of rejection of the lens up to 8 weeks following procedure; no matter how good it feels!!! Yxx

  7. I was totally hopeless at self-administering eye drops after my cataract op last year, so understand your distrust of your father's blithe self-confidence. Glad his surgery went well.


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