What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly

I watched a short film (one hour). A documentary.

It is one I think everyone ought to watch. I leave it to you to choose whether you do or not.

For an organisation, a movement, a personality, to be as influential and acclaimed as it is, I cannot believe I have not heard of it. The thing is, of course, that there are many such things going on the world - but they are good news, and good news is rarely worth reporting - as far as our disaster-hungry media are concerned.

I had bought this as a used item (see the link under the image) a bit before Christmas. I had seen the promo on Vimeo (see below) and felt enough to want to see it. There are a great many similarities to the sorts of service and community work that my beloved Chinmaya movement provides. Gurudev, Swami Chinmayananda was castigated and slandered on a personal level, but by remaining faithful to his teachings, survived and became much respected. The mission continues now, and the work is there (a university is opening this year!) because the impression he made resulted in a legacy much beyond that of being merely his personality. The philosophy stood for itself and proves itself in its application - it is just that we human beings need pioneers, pillars of the teaching, to show us the way. This is the case with all true teachers and leaders. Mandela, Gandhi... Jesus. No matter which or what philosophy governs our lives, it comes from someone standing taller than the rest and living the example; and who are prepared for the onslaught of abuse and accusation which can accompany it.

I've passed my copy on already,  as it's the kind of message which needs to be shared. I could not provide a copy to all of you, but I can tell you about this film and encourage you to think of purchasing and watching it - then pass it on in your turn. It is not that I am saying all should think of joining with the movement - but to find relief and hope in the fact that this message is coming from an area where it might be least expected, given the desperate picture which is often painted against any part of Islam.

I hope you will be intrigued enough to seek out a copy of this film. There is also a good short vid which shows Mr Gulen answering questions and teaching, HERE.

There was ever and always a cynicism in the human psyche against such teachers. Crucifixion comes in many forms. Truth and Love will never die.

Love is A Verb Intro from Global Vision Productions NFP on Vimeo.

Okay - having trubs getting the video to stick and don't have time to go looking for the why of it. At least with these Vimeo clips, the links are provided - and that HAS stayed. Click the Love Is A Verb on the left of that little bunch above to watch the intended intro.

...unless it has turned up again when the post goes live (it's the night before as I type this). Clearly, this is not to do with the storage issue I was wittering on about the other day. Sigh...


  1. Hello, a good story is hard to come by lately. The new does like to dwell on the disasters and bad news. Thanks for sharing the video link.

  2. Hi YAM-aunty...we will come back to this when TOGM gets on her recumbent bike....where she always looks for something to keep her mind busy
    Hugs Madi

  3. I LOVE the new header, I shall watch the movie and I have a new book to add to my list! Now I gotta get back to work (I am taking a blog break!)
    Have a Marvelous Day

  4. I can see this being a great piece to discuss. Also I beieve the spirit never dies etiher.
    Coffee is on

  5. Dear YAM, as I commented on our mutual friends Bob and Sophie’s blog, we lost our internet connection at home earlier this month (with no solution in sight). I have to be someplace else to be online (perhaps only once a week). Currently this leaves me little or no time to comment. I may be mostly silent just now, but I’m still “here” and enjoying your pictures and words even more, though very much missing the fun of daily posts.

  6. I find that our CBC does a really good job with good news stories. I make sure I share them on Twitter, too! There are so many good people in the world, like our Yam! xx


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