What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly

We made quite the fanfare of memory and honour for Madi earlier this week. Then I read of the passing of Jake and also of Rusty and I was again reminded how time exacts its toll.

Loss is going on constantly. Most of it we shall never know. Some of it is distant to us and is merely a packet of knowledge; some of that may engender our compassion and sympathy. Then there is the loss which is close, closer and closest.

We feel loss according to our attachment and identification with that which is lost. If we are emotionally invested, be it with a thing, a person or a pet, when it or they are no longer with us the absence can feel deep indeed. Unquestionably, the bond we have with our animals can be among the most profound of relationships.

The devotion of an animal is something special and the bonding can take place in a surprisingly short time. The trust of the animal can be almost overwhelming. If we pay attention, through our animals we can learn Love of the capital 'ell' and they bring out in us the best human beings we can be.

"Soxie", the guardian angel of Vibhooti Ashram, Kolwan


  1. Yes I do agree we can learn so very much about unconditional love thru furries. I once read a prayer. This line stuck with me,
    "Lord make me the person my dog/cat thinks I am"
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. Mom always says her life would be very incomplete without at least one furry there with her.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. Barkley taught me so much about life and love and also handling loss when I lost he and my only brother at the same time. Those are life lesson's I would not give up for anything even if it meant not having the tears.

  4. They are never lost to me ~ they move on to the 'netherworld' and surround me with their spirt and love ~

    Wonderful post and beautiful doggie photo!

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores

    ps. hopefully have comments straightened out ~ sorry I did comment but they weren't going through ~ Google settings ~ Rrrrrr!

  5. The before animals ALL have a piece of Mommy's heart. They still Live and Love in her memories. As do many of the blogging furrends we have grown to love over the last 10 years.
    They ARE the most important part of my life, I treasure the tears, I treasure the laughs, but the most important, I treasure the memories.

  6. Again, truth. namaste, Janice xx

  7. Despite the heartache of saying goodbye I can't imagine life with my furbabies
    Hazel & Mabel


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