What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly

Recognise these faces....???

Yes, it is time for pupdates once more... but not today. Tomorrow for Irvine and Tuesday for Poppy.

Today I would simply like to offer up thanks once more for all my loving connections, particularly for the support and kind words offered over the last few weeks while the broken wrist has been getting itself unbroken. There were some quite dark days early on; did not fully appreciate the negative impact the injury had upon my psyche and had I not been staying with the father, it might have been a lot longer, this recovery road.

As it is, there are still a lot of frustrating and moody moments, but really, there is nothing more desperate now than when the arthritis is at its worst, so it is simply a case of bite down and chew.

At least the typing is kinda back on track. A bit haphazard and can't do long stretches but am relieved the fingers are (mostly) working.

Throughout, I have had family and you, dear friends, keeping me going and for that, no words can truly convey gratitude. You have my heart.


  1. YaYa I'm so relieved that there is a very bright light shining at the end of this episode. I can only imagine
    how frustrating this has been for your on all levels as I know how YOU VALUE YOUR INDEPENDENCE and quiet time in the Hutch
    Hugs HiC

  2. Sorry to hear you had a injury hope all is well soon.

  3. We are happy things are improving. It was probably a full year before Mom's arm came close to being back to normal after her break. She credits a lot of faithfulness to her PT exercises for that.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. Sp pleased to learn that things are improving, albeit at a frustratingly slow pace. Nanny Gail now says please remember to still take things carefully. In her experience, there is a danger, once one starts to recover from injury or illness, of thinking "great I'm more or less back to normal", pushing oneself too hard, and ending up taking a step backwards! Between you and me, YAM-Aunty, I think she is talking about herself and not you.
    Toodle pip!
    Bertie (currently recovering from the massive poodle invasion).

  5. Glad to hear it is slowly getting better, but I agree with Bertie and Gail: take it easy for a while so you won't have a down fall later (figuratively speaking of course).

  6. It is really good to know about the healing. I am sending my good wishes for faster recovery of the wrist. Wish you a very happy weekend.
    - Jui Positive Cookies

  7. two precious birthday pups and they made me feel JOY just looking at them. I am so glad you are typing better and almost back to your old self. Arthritis can wreak havoc on our lives, I fight mine daily... the only thing that keeps me going is walking..

    1. Hari Om
      whilst arthritis affects quite a lot of other things in my life - not the typing usually. It was the broken wrist that caused this issue!!! With the cold flash we have had this week, though, there will undoubtedly be arthritis in that wrist from now on!

      Am heading over to research the plates at Cecilia's place now... &*> Yxx

  8. So glad you were able to find the support needed to make this break as easy as it could be. Looking forward to the updates.

  9. Every day... take it easy! You are loved! xx

  10. And you, mine. namaste, janice xx


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