What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menothering for Eric

Hello, hello efurrybuddy!!! Eric the Guide Stuffy here. I's been oot 'n' aboot with YAMum. Mind you, it meant being stuffed into that sack again - yes STUFFED I tellz ya. See fur yourselves...

It wasn't so bad if I's honest. It meant I had a very good view. That is, until the umbrolly came down and blocked everything. As she left the grampyfather's house for the bus to the train station the sky started crying. Bawling even. Or perhaps a garden hose got left running. It meant YAMum getting soaked everywhere from her waist down. Then, when she stepped off the bus she uttered some unmentionables coz there was a big muddy puddle and her new boots and clean trews got red watery mud all over. I think she was under-impressed.

In the train, I had to stay in the bag. It was safer. She said. Next thing I knew we were at a place called Obar Dheathain and a lady called Gail was hugging YAMum and they were chatty-chatting and I was bouncing...

Talking of bouncing, apparently, that is an appellation of Gail's companion, whose name is Bertie. YAMum had a treat for him. I think he liked it.

YAMum says to tell you she didn't take the Fudge with her. It was one packing too much in her travel light arrangement. She bought a little second-hand point and shoot thingy (which shall henceforth be called the PandS) and the piccies are less than brilliant. They did record the weekend though, and this was what mattered. She said.

That evening, I stayed upstairs and kept the bed warm for YAMum, whilst she socialised with Bouncing Bertie, his Gail, and another house guest by the name of Mark. YAMum liked that he was from OZ and that he also loved photography - she was drooling a little over his camera equipment. It was unseemly, I thinks. Anyway, she had to make do. The little PandS turned out to have a lens-blur. That lens blur, she is pretty certain, is one of the Bonny Land's famous midgies!!! The camera may be facing a deconstruction soon... can you spot the beastie?

Next morning, YAMum took hold of me, a bundle of papery stuff and a candle. She crept downstairs and put them on the table, lit the candle and then went back upstairs to dress. By the time she came down, Gail was there and YAMum shocked the room by singing 'happy birthday'!!! It was a special number, apparently.

Later in the morning, when some other folk came, we all got into cars and drove to a place called Glen Tanar. Bertie was clearly very keen on it. Excited even. If only I could bark too. There was quite the crowd - did you see Bertie's post with the group shot???

All those folk were big walkers and YAMum's days of hiking are behind her now. So she let them all go ahead and we hung about the car park area.

We did visit the little info centre and we did do two walks; one of about two kilometres and one of 600m - up and down a very steep hill. YAMum was quite chuffed with herself. She even got quite a few half-decent shots with the PandS , which she will be showing you in the 'me-now-views' posts this month. I featured in quite a few. I was pawtikyoularrly proud of my tree-climbing and mountaineering.

...WHAT??? It was a hoooooojjjj effort getting up that high I tellz ya!!!

After efurrybuddy got back from their hike, we drove to a nearyby town and went into a very cosy little cafe with a room to ourselves and all the hyoomans scoffed cake and tea and chatty-chatted like kerazy. I sat on YAMum's hat by the radiator. Her head was nice and toasty for the trip home to Bertie's house.

The next morning I was again stuffed - yes STUFFED - into that sack and it was back on the train and bus to the grampyfather's house. The train zoomy-zoomed past lots of places and the sun was bright, but the PandS not so much.

Now YAMum is staying a bit longer at grampyfather's house because Neighbour M has been in the hospital and now back home, will need some assistance for a few days. Grampyfather needs lots of assistance too only he doesn't think he does. YAMum's wrist is getting lots of exercise...

That's all from me just now. Hope you are all having lots of funs and frolics as the festive month approaches. Hooroo the noo!!!


  1. oh you met the ambassador of scotland in pawson? how great!!!! and it is better to stay in the bag while riding on a train... that is better than to use that seats 87 peeps and pets used before ya...

  2. you are having quite the trip with birthdays and singing and candles and train rides and bouncing bertie boys... it is hard for men to accept they need help, or so I have found with the men in my life. have fun and let us know when your trip is over and you are safe home

  3. Eric you are a furry good traveling companion and not demanding at all and easily adaptable. 100% purrfect I'd say.
    PandS did a wonderful job of capturing special moments and we did so enjoy your tour around the car park.
    Good thing you were stuffed in the bag no wet feet for you.
    Hugs and I am so glad you and YaYa had grand visit with Gail and Bertie and friends

  4. Hi Eric, I hope the trip north to Aberdeen was worth being stuffed in the bag. I must say I'm most grateful that you guided YAM-Aunty to visit Gail and me - especially as there were doggy mince pies in that bag too.
    Gail and I are hoping that things are OK in Edinburgh now. We just loved having you guys here.
    Toodle pip!

  5. Nice to meet you, Eric. It sounds like you had a very fun adventure with YaMum. We saw her at Bouncing Bertie's, and it looked like everyone had a marvelous time. We hope YaMum's time with her father goes well and that Neighbor M will be fine soon too.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. Hiya Eric, what pawsome reporting of a VERY special event! You are definitely a blog star young pup
    Did you get to play wiv Bertie?
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  7. This is really fun! A good giggle. I'm sorry for your wet tails!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful trip despite being stuffed into the bag.
    Hazel & Mabel

  9. What a great adventure. You are good to be able to climb trees and mountains. I hae not climbed a tree in many doggie years. namaste, janice xx


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