WARNING - link-heavy post... the weekend approaches, you need something to occupy you...😉
I began this week with watching The Sky At Night, a long-running BBC show that used to be hosted by Patrick Moore. It nearly died with him but found a new life with an equally entertaining and engaging new presenter, Maggie Aderin-Pocock. (There is irony in this, given Sir Patrick's misogynistic views.) This month, the focus was on the New Horizons probe and its fly-by of Ultima Thule in the Kuiper Belt. Very exciting, if you're a space enthusiast like myself. That very morning, Angus over at Bob and Sophie's gave a link to a very interesting article on another space object.
Then blogpal Dora had a rant about 'awards'. She got a lot of comments back on that post. It brought all those of us who are in blogging because we like it and not because we want accolades or recognition, out to shout. That got me thinking (yet again) at how fast and fame-oriented the world has become. If your face isn't all over the book of phizzog or Instymarg, what? You're a nobody? What is the urge to be seen which seems to prevail?
Here's news not fake... there is no such thing as a nobody. If you are living, breathing, eating, sleeping, feeling and reading that sort of nonsense and dreaming of being 'somebody', you are entirely missing the plot twist where you are the somebody experiencing that!!!
The thing is, those people who are getting recognition on all the social platforms are not getting this from magic. They are putting work into it. This applies to everything in life, does it not?
No matter what we want to be, and whether or not we get any kind of fame (recognition beyond the established social circle), it comes down to how much work we are prepared to do upon ourselves to further that aim. Then, to be prepared to take on the learning to increase our abilities in the field of our particular interest. Still more, to have the determination and stamina to keep at it and keep at it and keep at it - and the fortitude to deal with the possibility that what we desire may still not come our way.
In looking around at some new places to visit online and just generally browsing, I found myself getting incredibly bored. Not that the content was boring... but I couldn't quite place the issue, until yesterday, when it hit me.
What is this thing about making pages, even of personal blogs, entirely white? I recognised then that it was not really boredom it was physical tiredness. I was getting snow blind.
Having a border of a darker (or at least some) colour helps to filter the light and the eye is less tired. It is the same principle as putting a lamp near or around the television to cut the glare. OR, if a single colour is your thing, soften it into a pastel. This is blogging, not the operating theatre...

Then blogpal Dora had a rant about 'awards'. She got a lot of comments back on that post. It brought all those of us who are in blogging because we like it and not because we want accolades or recognition, out to shout. That got me thinking (yet again) at how fast and fame-oriented the world has become. If your face isn't all over the book of phizzog or Instymarg, what? You're a nobody? What is the urge to be seen which seems to prevail?

The thing is, those people who are getting recognition on all the social platforms are not getting this from magic. They are putting work into it. This applies to everything in life, does it not?
No matter what we want to be, and whether or not we get any kind of fame (recognition beyond the established social circle), it comes down to how much work we are prepared to do upon ourselves to further that aim. Then, to be prepared to take on the learning to increase our abilities in the field of our particular interest. Still more, to have the determination and stamina to keep at it and keep at it and keep at it - and the fortitude to deal with the possibility that what we desire may still not come our way.
In looking around at some new places to visit online and just generally browsing, I found myself getting incredibly bored. Not that the content was boring... but I couldn't quite place the issue, until yesterday, when it hit me.
What is this thing about making pages, even of personal blogs, entirely white? I recognised then that it was not really boredom it was physical tiredness. I was getting snow blind.
Having a border of a darker (or at least some) colour helps to filter the light and the eye is less tired. It is the same principle as putting a lamp near or around the television to cut the glare. OR, if a single colour is your thing, soften it into a pastel. This is blogging, not the operating theatre...
What a great title...sometimes we all must do a little mulling and having a sounding board is a blessing.
ReplyDeletehugs HiC
You posted early today...switching things up ....are you?
Hari OM
Delete...no... same time as it's been all GMT (since Nov); it will move forward an hour again with daylight saving, April to Oct... I did notice you were not visiting until the 7:30, so guessed you hadn't clicked to the time change thing! Yxx
Putting in the work and sticking in there even when things don't go well is something that we in the UK in general undervalue, I think. A case in point - when, 30 years ago, I asked my American friend Marse what trait she would look for in a man, she immediately said "a good work ethic". I have never in this country seen a lonely hearts ad stating this as a requirement!
ReplyDeleteThat said, in the case of our current Prime Minister, one sees that the capacity to work hard and persist will not in itself bring success ...
Bertie is now worried about his rather white blog!
Cheers, Gail.
Hari Om
DeleteOh Bertie lad, fret not! You do exactly as required by having 'breakage' via the pretty blue dots! that is all that is required (or the dark trim on mine for example). It's all the endless use of 'lawyer' or 'newspaper' white blankness which was starting to numb me!!! It began with one or two and was fine; but like all fashion, once taken up by the masses it loses its designer value... and gets very hard on the eyes. Yxx
I have been told that my BLACK blog is hard to read and suggested I should change it. it has been black since 2009 and will be black until I get tired of it. I have been told it is not black on a phone though. each blog is personal is what I think and we should do what we want with it and not what others want...
ReplyDeleteHari Om
DeleteThat's absolutely true, Sandra... but I find with all this 'whiteout' there is very little individualism at all. I love yours BECAUSE it is yours and most of we Blogvillagers are of this old-school. Actually, there is argument for your page being 'dyslexia friendly' Yxx
Ha...Mr. Goethe was right.... and he would say it every day if he would be still alive ;O)
ReplyDeleteSnow blind. That makes sense.
ReplyDeleteThese are wise sentiments. Something to remember, God don't make no junk. It is difficult somedays.