What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menottering; uttering nothings

First Monday of the month and of the year. Have said it before, will say it again. I don't do 'resolutions'.  I do goals. However, the past two years have got me rethinking that as well.

Life has a way of interfering. The most recent and highly demonstrative example of that was the breaking of my wrist. We have no way whatsoever to see around the corners of time. We are simply not made that way. We do have imagination and we do have learning capacity so we can make inspired guesses. Those with more academic leanings will talk of 'informed estimates'. Even with highly evolved algorithms and formulae, the experimental scientist cannot guarantee outcomes on the first run. Even the next or the next... What hope has the human being stepping into each minute of life???

The minute we become complacent, 'boom!' we have that rug pulled. We are constantly reminded that the best way to live life to its fullest is to live in the very minute we are inhabiting right now.

Our minds, though. Our minds. The monkey of existence. Constantly fluttering, shifting, whittering away at us about all sorts of nonsense. Sometimes important stuff, but mostly not. Whipping the mind into control is one of the great goals of life, in my opinion. It is what I endeavour to do each and every day.

This year, then, I have decided that this will be the only goal I set. Everything else which is on the wishlist is stated as purely that - wishes on a list. In theory, if I apply myself and achieve my daily goal, then the wishes will take care of themselves.

We'll see. Check back here this time next year...


  1. agree 100 %!!!! live for the moment, it may be the only one we have. the thing is for me now, each day is a gift, at 3/4 of a century old, we know time is short no matter how long it is. when I was young I had to think about what I was doing and going to do and how I would do it. now bob and I just live and most of the time enjoy life... of course there is more to life than that, but I do believe we should live it like it is our last moment

  2. YaYa I 100% agree one day at a time...I have finally let go of my 'what if so and so' happens. It took years for me to realize I need to let go of worries/situations that I have no control over. Take care of today and rest well tomorrow will take care of itself. Plus worrying about today means you lose today and you can never get that back.
    Yay you!!
    Hugs HiC

  3. Definitely another nod of agreement from here. Wishes are far easier to handle than goals. And carpe diem - YEP, that's the way to go.

  4. we totally agree... as soon as we put our feet on the red carpet there is one who pulls it away and we land on our butt... so our goal for this year is: make the best of it, no matter what it is... ;O)

  5. Hi Yam - this I've learnt too in the recent years ... it'd be great if life settled down for a while - as you say I shall put my mind to mine. Take care and here's to a peaceful, restful year for us all - cheers Hilary

  6. You are SO right. Living each moment to the fullest is the best that we can do. And other things do fall into place when we do that. My biggest weakness is trying to cram too much into every moment. Ha! I hope that you achieve your goal!

  7. My mind is like our grand dog when she sees a squirrel. Off on a chase forgetting what she was doing. namaste, janice xx


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