What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.


There was news recently of one of our local authorities warning their employees that, should inclement weather hit this month as it did last year (Beast From The East), they ought to make sure they had some leave days in hand in case of being unable to attend their place of work. No show, no pay, in other words.

There are those who consider this harsh if there is a serious risk to life or limb should one embark on a journey in such conditions (against all other advice, note). Then again, it could be argued the council is merely safeguarding against absences due to weather which is actually quite negotiable. Either way, it demonstrates the peculiar hysteria which hits Britain when the white stuff threatens to show up.

It all reminded me of a ditty I coined a few years back in response to a winter prompt...

Snow fell
Sylph fell
Steps fell
Ground froze
Jill’s nose
And toes
Wheels too
No ride
No slide
No glide
Can’t win
Call in
No sin!


  1. LOL LOL I love it and I love the photo
    Hugs HiC

  2. That was great!!! The kids have had a lot of no school days this year, a few of which were really unnecessary. Not so today - horrible driving conditions - they are ALL home. And their Mom is lucky enough to have a boss who lets her work from home on occasion:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. LOL...What a fun(and true) poem!!
    I was lucky enough to have an understanding company when I lived in the colder regions of the US(New Jersey) who would give us paid "snow days".

  4. Oh, that is one pawsome little diddie!! We gots snow on our mountain tops here Monday and Tuesday! of course, they closed the roads so we couldn't go up and play in it, like we did when we were kids! sigh. Butts, yeah, peeps freak out if it snows here, cause it hardly ever does anymore. And nobody has snow tires on their rides.
    Ruby ♥

  5. MOL, ya should see Texans when it snows!

  6. Love the poem and the graphic. The snow and ice in the past fortnight has turned the six mile bike ride to work into a mini adventure. The irony is that the first half, on city streets, is fine as these are gritted; it's the bit where you need to use the dedicated bicycle path, which is not gritted, that becomes unsafe. Our community of hardy Aberdonian cyclists (very much the few in this weather) act as a self help group, and we all call out warnings to those riding in the opposite direction to warn of ice ahead. You will excuse this keen cyclist a rant about how the council claims to promote 'green transport solutions' but has a gritting policy which forces most cyclists back into their cars to reach one of the cities biggest business parks....
    Er, cheers! Gail.

  7. love it!!! and we totally agree... specially because wednesday was the hell-bow-versary of the mama... a reason to stay inside LOL

  8. Love the ditty and the photo!

  9. cute ditty... here we have rare call out days caused by hurricane threats, most jobs do not pay if you are not there. I was blessed to have one that did pay, but only when the business said closed and no one went in. calling out for weather was a no pay...

  10. Fun poetry and way to laugh at Winter's doldrums

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. I love this! I finally managed a sketch. I was thinking I haven't done a poem in a long time! xx

  12. Great poem! We had two snow days for our local schools this last week. We have a snow break today but more to come this weekend
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. That is a wonderful little ditty!!! You made me smile.

  14. We decided our lives and investment in autos was not risking for a day of work. Made it on days when few others did.


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