What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

First Friday Filmclub

I just know a lot of you are going to get a giggle out of this...


  1. Oh my stars.....................my sister in law retired from teaching math in high school. You would not believe some of her stories..or after this maybe you would. LOL
    Yay 22,000 works for me.
    Hugs HiC

  2. That was GREAT!!!! Mom could write a book about the horrors of teaching, something she truly loved.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. hahahaha the movie for the mama... yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I got more and more upset for her, but the end was absolutely brilliant!

  5. i did not laugh, i think it is so sad, because it is all true, our world has gone completely mad. i did smile at the 22,000 though.

  6. The end was great!
    Hazel & Mabel

  7. I nearly didn't watch it until the end, but I'm glad I did. I don't understand how people would make a high production value piece that would show her being slapped. Gratuitous violence, for sure. We've such a problem with respect. sigh.
    I had a dad, who couldn't speak English properly, come in to tell me I wasn't teaching math well. It was awful. I guess this hits too close to home.


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