What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly

Have you ever had one of those moments when you think that life may have more control over you than you do over it?

In my case since returning to The Hutch, it has taken the form of a 'lurgy'; viral infection of indeterminate origin and range.

I can boast about my immunity. Until this bout, I can tell you that the last such infection I had was in the (Australian) winter of 2010. I can be certain of this due it being the last winter I spent in my beloved Other Country prior to moving to India. Whilst on the ashram, I did succumb to two malarial attacks and one bout of dysentery, but no coughs or snishes of any sort. Then, in late 2013 as I transitioned from cloistered life back to society, and yet another country, one might have expected a challenge to the immunity.

Nope. Not a thing, till now. When talking to Mac2 about this earlier in the week (I use the term talking only to indicate communication - I had no voice for three full days!) I recognised that in my entire two months away, I had not had any pomegranates.

Pomegranates were a major part of my diet on the ashram (one a day, sometimes two) and I continued to eat them here in the Bonny Land, but at one a week (cuz they cost so much). Due to global marketing, they have been available for the majority of the year. All good. I eat them because I like them, because I always feel my body singing from eating them and because I have always considered them a 'medicine food'. Science is catching up with that concept. What is more, it is interesting that now, after nine weeks without a pomegranate, I contracted a virus.

This fruit is ancient and has been recognised as a medicinal benefit in the diet from Ancient Egypt, through Armenian and Persian and other similar cultures, to China and through India and Israel and ultimately to Europe. It is often depicted in relation to Gods and or Goddesses and in Christianity is often found in paintings of the Holy Family, used as trims to altar cloths and on priests' stoles and vestments.

It would be fair to say, then, that the pomegranate is revered and respected as a fruit of worth - and as soon as I can get myself to the greengrocer this week, they will resume their place in my diet!

As a side-interest, here's Dirt Farmer Jay and his pomegranate processing method.
What had any of that to do with capital 'ell' Love? Not a great deal this week, admittedly, but the brain had a bit of a numbing with the lurgy too. I call upon your Love and forgiveness for this moment of selfishness... and share with you this little story to touch your hearts.

UPDATE; as of today, am still poorly and have had to cancel trip down to visit Aitch for her 60th birthday. Some POTP would be appreciated!


  1. Oh YAM I'm so sorry to read you are still feeling poorly. Dang it. Sending tons of POTP
    Bryan's bout began May 6th about day 5 it was obvious it was in his sinus and he had a terrible drainage causing near constant coughing. It took two prescriptions and 30 days. Since I never caught it (not bragging at all but 100% thankful since one of us had to keep up the nourishment chain) we are pretty sure it was all sinus problems.
    Hugs HiC

  2. Just read the little story. My goodness me...I sure do hope the Priest has since seen the error in his decision.

  3. Auntie Yam,
    I am so sorry to read of your illness.
    We gave up soda pop and now I drink
    pomegranate juice with cranberry daily.
    We do hope a kind neighbor can get some
    fresh fruit for you soon.
    Please rest and no dancing on the rooftops ( joking )
    Sending good thoughts and POTP

    Linda and The Pups.

  4. POTP. May you be well enough come Monday to find a friendly greengrocer. My grandfather's parents were greengrocers. But no pomegranates, I'm sure.

  5. Bertie and I are sending another huge dose of POTP. Can one order pomegranates via the internet?

  6. Mom hasn't had a pomegranate in forever! We will be looking for them at the grocery store this week and BTW, the Dirt Farmer Jay video was fantastic. Lots of AireZen and healing vibes are heading your way!

  7. first about the dog story. always dogs are first. the family should have cleared the dog going in the church before they took him there. the dog was howling because he was left outside, most dogs do.. my dad would never have let a dog in his church. the most touching wedding i ever attended was a blind man getting married, his best man was his current dog, his flower dog was his retired dog, that dog walked down the aisle with a little girl, baskets of rose pedals on his back and her tossing them, in front of the bride, who chose to dress like cinderella, but there are those who would not like it and there were of course.
    i hope the pomegrante helps and that you get back to normal health soon.. sorry you missed the birthday.. almost every one i know that flies in planes comes home with a cold or virus. planes are incubators of germs

  8. I hope you are on the mend. I have escaped a bad cold virus this year. Cross my fingers. I have no idea what keeps it at bay. I usually have a bronchial something once a year. A gift from my client and her family. Two of her most frequent germ carriers are her daughters. Her caregiver is 71, and smokes. I've had to speak to her to not smoke in the house, again. I usually put my clothes out in the Muskoka room to air after my visit.

    All the best! xx

  9. A friend of mine had pomegranate trees in her back yard as a kid. She still loves them.


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