What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menolyrical; The Measured Mind

Still. Be still, oh flickering beast!
Monkey-mind, you flittering bird.
Steady yourself, come in, come in;
out there is of no consequence.
What matters is here, within, deep.
No! No! No dreams! Not to sleep!

Keep alert, watch the body breathe.
That's it, now let go of it.
Feel not the blood as it rushes
and hear not the clattering dishes.
Let the dark space of night
turn into that burning light.

See that flame in the brow's eye?
Don't reach, don't turn, just sit.
Enter its blaze, head for the wick
know there's a place behind which
awaits for you an endless boon.
Keep going, you'll arrive. Soon.

© Yamini Ali MacLean 2019
Inspired by Bhagavad Gita adh.6;s.19

As a lamp in a spot 
Sheltered from the wind 
Does not flicker, 
So must be the mind of a yogi 
practicing meditation on Brahman.

You were all so enamoured of last week's poem, I delved into another verse which inspires me greatly!


  1. Well I'm enamored again!! Now I must commit this to memory to recite to my brain as soon as my head hits the pillow
    Hugs HiC

  2. The Measured Mind.
    I like it!

  3. love it!!!! you found the best words!!!

  4. really beautiful and I like the message also..

  5. Beautifully penned. namaste, janice xx


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