What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menopdatery; further findings

Last Friday, I posted one of those periodic 'nudges' about plastic usage. Over at David's blog, I requested he ask Miriam about the beeswaxing for food wraps. You see, I had not come across this idea until very recently, when in QLD and doing a wee bit of gift shopping. A craft place had some for sale and I bought one, thinking this was original and marvellous.

This is the link kindly provided. That site is New Zealand based and is very generous with its info. It would be tempting to give them the business, but there might be a small matter of import tax here in the UK (border control can be funny about such things), never mind the cost doubling due to postage. This got me thinking that the idea is likely to be widespread, and there must be more local items available. Well, turns out I ought to have looked that up long before now. Mostly there are ready-waxed cloths on sale, but a few kits also. Following are a few links which might be of interest here in the UK/EU. I guess you all can do a similar search over in the USA. Those of you in OZ, well, the NZ option would be fine!

This one at Livemoor has free delivery, which has gotta be good, right?
BeeBambu ready-made from Amazon is a reasonably good price.
Lucy & Yak have a similar package as the BeeBambu one at a little more cost - but I like the look of their site for promoting low-impact living.
Pure Beeswax bars in small quantities might be the way to go for a try out on producing one's own wraps.
E-Bay, for those who are inclined to it; again for homemaking.
Vegan, anyone??? In fact, Etsy is positively heavy with wax wrappers and related products!
...and now I am thinking Christmas... I will buy this and split it among the family. Mean? No! we don't buy each other silly gifts and each of these items individually holds value; father will love having a straw cleaner with the bamboo suckers!

Best for last? Here's the jackpot, as far as I am concerned!!! Scottish, practically on the father's doorstep. Already ordered a kitchen pack and a bread wrapper - will report in due course!!!

Now the challenge is over to my USA pals - what's on offer your side???

Google images


  1. Well you have surely offered lots of 'food' for thought! Tons of facilities now offering about anything you want
    earth friendlyl
    Just right off the top of my head we once returned home to find, I think it was called
    The Box, wrong address, but it was a recycled box. Our house faces one a cul-de-sac but our address is the street beside our house
    The lid was removable so I checked inside. All kinds of fresh veggies, fruits, and pasta with recipes.
    Of course Amazon Prime will have anything under the sun at your door in under 24 hours
    Still had to cook it.
    Several cafes are now offering paper straws.
    Hugs HiC

  2. I like my beeswax wrap. No complaints about it and it is much cuter than plastic wrap 😀

  3. Not sure what is being offer in America. But more slowly people are getting on the reuse wagon. Lot our bringing there own bags when the shop.
    But plastic bag from store work great for bathroom garbage cans.
    Coffee is on

  4. I see a lot of sponsored ads for beeswraps on FB. Hopefully, many will realized how useful they are.

  5. That's one better than my reusable cloth covered sandwich wraps, which still of course use plastic too.

  6. I have never heard of it before! Of course, there is waxed paper that's been around for ages but I rarely use it.

  7. Wish you great success in your efforts to find alternatives for plastic wraps etc.

  8. sounds very 'green' ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. We are fairly forward thinking inCanada! My son-in-law is the president of, and running for October election in the Green Party of Canada! We, or course, have these in Canada. We have many bee keepers and entrepreneurs.


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.