What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoffagainorrhoea; Suffolk Sojuourn Day 2 - part 2

After our dip into the history of Ed Sheeran (till now), Aitch dashed off to collect her spectacles and I took the half-hour to wander the various rooms of the mansion museum. It is laid out in a wonderfully flowing display in what is actually something of a rabbit warren of a house! Each room takes a specific time in history and is fully dressed in the fashion of that period. From the Tudors to the Edwardians, it is quite delightful. Many of the panels found around the place are actually not of the building itself but rescued from other ancient homes in Ipswich which were either completely renovated or totally demolished.

The best I can do for you now is cease from words and let the piccies do the talking. Oh, just one thing. The elephants. Many places now use fibreglass animals as an attraction. These "Elmers" were all painted by professionals and by local schools for a local hospice charity.

Once done here and Aitch and I had reconnected, we grabbed a quick lunch at the cafe in the grounds and headed back home... but took time to stop by Memory Lane.

Well, actually, it is called Old Norwich Road and it is where I spent a chunk of my early childhood! The park is where I and my siblings used to walk in order to reach our school over beyond the houses at the back. Then there was No. 682. Once a simple bungalow, it has been levelled off at the front, had an attic room created and been extended quite significantly to the rear. The wooden plaque with the number on it is the very same one my father mounted 50+ years ago!!!


  1. What a wonderful post full of Elmers and lovely furniture, oh the clocks and folks from the period.
    The Elmers are gorgeous pieces of art. We have Wolves here in Raleigh...in honor of NC State University's mascot
    Mr. Wolf.
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. Great photos of history ~ Love, love the painted elephants ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. I love the old homes and the elephants are wonderful!

  4. Lots of interesting thing to look at here and love the elephants.

  5. All so wonderful, save the poor teddies, home from battle. One escaped with only his boots. Well heeled boots, to boot.

  6. I love the elephants in this house... every room has such a wonderful eye catcher... the mama said she would love to make such an elephant... but we think... well ya know... LOL

  7. No doubt the visit to childhood home and haunts triggered a full and mixed bag of memories.

  8. Talk about the elephant in the room! I love those and still remember the ones we saw in Copenhagen 8 years ago.

  9. Love all of the photos but I would love to see that dollhouse in person!

  10. I am so glad they saved all these lovely vintage pieces of the past. I love that doll house and the clothing and the elephants are gorgesos. the first one is my favorite. I would love to wander that warren of rooms full of treasures

  11. So much beautiful wood and woodwork, I could have spent hours wandering Christchurch mansion!! How wonderful to also spend some time wandering about your childhood neighborhood!

  12. That is so wonderful! What an amazing memory.
    I love the elephants. Lots of Canadian cities have done this, moose, bears, I forget what else. It is so much fun!!!!! xx

  13. Thanks for sharing beautiful pics.

  14. Hi Yam - love the elephants ... amazing to see - and yes that memory ride must have been nostalgic ... cheers Hilary

  15. Thanks for taking us along on the delightful place. Love the elephants. Enjoyed the furnishing, too. namaste, janice xx


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