What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menolyrical; Final Friday Fiction

Neneth scanned the wall, absorbed in her reflection.

“I am but a shadow of my former self,” thought she, “twice as ripe as rotten apples, and doubly sour: rougher than the rain-soaked hay and only half as sweet.”

A breeze shimmered through her, causing her to wisp. “Then, too, I am as the willow, all at the mercy of the air. That air which seems as nothing yet is everything. With no air, how could objects suspend themselves, bend themselves, rend themselves? With no air, how could I be?”

The sun shone, enabling her reflection, confirming her existence.

“Without the sun, what life would there be?” she pondered. “Without the sun, nothing would be. Including me. It is only with the light, its precious gift, that I can know I am.”

Neneth turned and admired the new shape she made. The breeze puffed once more and again she shifted. She allowed herself to go with the breeze.

“I am but a shadow of my former self. I am but shadow.”

© Yamini Ali MacLean 2019
First published on Medium


Want to wax lyrical?
See how, on the FFF page above.


  1. Aunty...what a beautiful and thought filled story about two of my favorite subjects:
    sun and shadows. I have never thought of either in this way but now I will.
    Hugs HiC

  2. Self shadowy reflection....a beautiful story and a beautiful subject!

  3. I like this. The sentiment. Perfect!

  4. love it... and it is true... (I accidentally posted a book, because I missed the post with the new rulez, but next time we will do better lol)

  5. Very original reflection on shadows - great stuff.

  6. Love the photo of your shadow self and LOVE the story that goes with it.

  7. Wonderful story and shadow!

  8. Beautiful, really splendid. namaste, janice xx


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