What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikul; Midweek Musikakkuls

I did hint that I would do a month of The Piano Guys... don't say you weren't warned! Let us begin, though, with a piece that is not at all comical. Highly musical, in fact. Though the glaring absence is the piano part of the guys...


  1. Oh my word Piano guy is a musical genius. The white instrument was new to me looks like a space age Bass. Wow what beautiful music.
    Hugs and thank you for the bday wishes. It has been a very nice day.
    Breakfast out and my new found Ice cream cake replacement was delicious.
    Pic on Thursday

  2. I love cellos. The scenery is amazing.
    I hope you are getting healthier! xx

  3. Darn, darn. I cannot get it to play for some reason. I love the cello. I am going to keep it open on my computer to see if it will play. With both me and the Runner being invalids, I am having to listen to the TV as he binge watches stuff. I'd rather listen to this music :)

    I just read that you've been sick too. I sure hope that you are close to mended.

  4. All the bright young faces in that orchestra.

  5. it is like a giant wave what rolls into our ears and we are completely IN this music... maybe even a part of it if we open our ears and our heart ;O)

  6. Hi Yam - that was quite amazing ... and am very happy to hear more here when you post! Loved the setting in the mountains ... so talented - cheers Hilary

  7. so beautiful, love this and that rocky hillside was stunning leading into the music. that white instrument is amazing...

  8. So relaxing! namaste, janice xx


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