What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menolyrical: Make - or Break?


  1. Not firing on all four cylinders tonight, I admit it took me a minute to work out 'com plus passion'!
    Beautiful thoughts here though.
    Thanks, Gail.

    1. Hari OM
      Hehe - I chose this combo as 'com' can also relate to communication. Communication filled with passion AND compassion is a powerful tool. Yxx

  2. Very inspiring. We could all use a little more compassion.

  3. Oh YAM this is very inspiring...to quote the Woos.
    Boy could I use this right now.
    I went out to get the mail (B is on a train trip coming home late evening). Someone had dumped a 4'x 4' pile of wet leaves right smack in the middle of our drive way. If I need to get down I couldn't and I knew B would not see it and run the CR=V right thru it as he turned in the drive after dark. It took me 30 minutes with a pitchfork, snow shovel and broom to fill up 3 trash cans. Coming up Hedgemoor you can see a trail of debris. I'm assuming the leaf pick up truck some how did this. Had I witnessed this I would have started a FIGHT.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. That needs to be written at the top of every web forum. We live on a very long dirt road, and the residents are currently skewering each other on our forum. I want to write, "Just be kind", but I am sure that I'd be skewered even for that.

  5. well said... we should make this to a law what counts for da whole world...

  6. Yes to that! Hearty helpings of com plus passion required all round.

  7. Hi Yam - what a great little composition ... very clever - just what is needed now ... thanks - cheers Hilary

  8. i got it the first time but read it 3 times. I love it! and I wish I could/would do these choices.

  9. Would be great if 'we' could ~ ^_^ ~ 'Neverending Story'

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Choices make the difference between success and failure. Have some grandsons not making the wisest of choices. namaste, janice xx


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