What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly

Late to post - managed to pick up a winter chill while out and about yesterday. Nuisance value. But also means lost time - again! I leave you with another worthy thought from Chinmaya Mission.


  1. YAM this is such a very special post.
    I love giving...however, for a while I was not so very good at receiving.
    I think I have learned to be a happy a receiver and a giver.
    Hugs HiC

  2. You poor thing. We love you lots. HUGS!

  3. That is a beautiful message.

    I so hope that you recover quickly. It hasn't been an easy year so far...

  4. Giving feels so good. I hope you feel better soon.

  5. giving of our hearts is a hard thing to do. or it is for me...sorry you are ill. we are coming back and feeling better today, bob's lingering cough is giving me worries

  6. Hi Yam - take care and hope you can throw the grisly grizzles! off ... and that weather isn't setting you back too much. All the best - cheers HIlary

  7. Hope you are feeling better.we all need to give more.

  8. So many viruses going around. My client has one. I'm stopping visiting twice and now only going once a week. It's been too much for me, sitting in a hot room with her.

  9. Hope you feel better. Take care.

  10. Take care of yourself! What with all those storms heading to our shores, it's a wonder we are not all in bed!

    I love the saying.
    Big klem

  11. YAM sending healing hugs and lots of good wishes!!
    I'm so sorry you caught the crud again

  12. To give from emptiness is to give nothing. namaste, janice xx


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