What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorespitikul; Deep Breaths Everyone

I just want to share some colour with you today - and say thank you to those who read yesterday's post and shared in the debate.

In father's garden, the bulbs had taken their time, but as I left to drive back to the Hutch on Friday, I got a few shots.

I know, you have all seen such flowers before. But can there be too many? Those little narcissi are one of my faves. They only grow 12 inches tall but withstand the worst of winds (and we've had a few) and frosts.

Yes, back in the Hutch, briefly. Hired a car so as not to have to face the five hours in the public transport system. Have done a lot of sleeping. Will be going back East on Wednesday. Loving being here. I have hung the lacework item I bought from "MiceForMama" - the boar. It is my Chinese zodiac symbol. 'Sall for now. Remember... Be Safe, Be Well, Behave!


  1. YAM what is the white flower? I love buttercups/daffodils/narcissi
    Just what doc HiC order sleep sleep and more sleep!!

    1. Hari OM
      That's a crocus! I love the white - though the yellow and purple are not horrid &*> Yxx

  2. PS meant to saw how lovely the lace art is

  3. Oh gorgeous floral macro shots ~ looks like Spring ~ ours are jus budding but very cold today ~

    Keep Calm, Be well.
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. You have such a challenge, Yam. Stay well. Be Safe.

  5. We love seeing all those flowers. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  6. Oh, that crocus is absolutely beautifuls! I don't thinks I've seen one quite like that befores! It's always good to see blooms...they make everything a little betters! Stay safe my furiend, and wash those paws!
    Ruby ♥

  7. Oh yes, we've certainly had winds... Well done those narcissi!

  8. we love the while bulb... it looks innocent and like a light somehow... take care and stay healthy and strong like your zodiac ;O)

  9. I love all flowers, but lean towards yellow as my favorite. they make me feel happy. that is why I love my fake flowers on my kitchen table. good idea to stay off public transport.

  10. The flowers always make us smile and everyone needs to smile☺

  11. Mice for Mom lacework is on one of my tables for me to enjoy. Thanks for the beauty of the flowers. My hands are itching to play in the dirt. It has rained so much of late it would be more like mud pies! namaste, janice xx

  12. Thank goodness for Spring flowers...and visits home!

  13. It is so beautiful, just like you! xx

  14. Hi Yam - never too many Spring bulbs and flowers. Love your boar ... my African favourite is a warthog ... take care and all the best in these times - Hilary


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