What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menolyrical; Final Friday Fiction

Here we are at the end of the seventh month of the twentieth year of the twenty-first century Anno Domini. ...Somehow that needed to be announced. 

Moving on. 

You can check the criteria for joining in my FFF meme on the page tabbed above. 

And Still The Knots

So much unwound
by dint of deep search
of bare-heartedness

Of facing-up and 
gritting teeth
and getting real

Knots released
not without pain

Are they ever gone?

© Yamini Ali MacLean 2020

NB; this is a response to a much earlier poem - see yesterday's post.

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  1. Happy FFF YAM-Aunty
    Very interesting photo. My mind's eye sees someone on their back looking up wondering about the years gone by and the many uses of the barn.
    My FFF will post at midnight
    Hugs to you and Dad

  2. That's a poem with a lot of deep thought in there.

  3. I agree...a very thought provoking poem, which goes with the pictures perfectly!!

  4. This building is so old, rope left from construction tells us nothing new.

  5. Knots remain but with the skilled hand can be changed into things of beauty to refresh the soul. namaste, janice xx

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hari OM
      hmmmmm, not sure how you did it, Mr T, but you have linked my dashboard here!!!
      Forgive me as I will delete your comment with that in (and replicate it below)
      But meanwhile, THIS IS THE LINK TO YOUR STORY! Yxx

      TIGGER SAID; Sorry YAM aunty - we be no clever enough to get heads round human poetry. Like the barn tho. Bet thereplenty of good mousing in z place like that.

    2. ooops! Told you F is tech-rubbish. Must try better next time. Furrings and Purrings. Mr T

  7. I think we must learn to live with the knots, somehow.

  8. The photo reminds me of the attic in my ancestral house in Kerala!

  9. Your poem is very thought provoking.... Love the antique timber frame.

  10. Beautiful image. I hope you are doing well. It's a journey. xx

  11. Such a beautiful and thought-provoking poem!

  12. What a great poem. It made me think of all the knots in my muscles. I wish I could afford a full time masseuse to work all those knots out for me.

  13. Wow!
    This is powerful.
    I'm reading it a couple of days after the blast in Beirut and your words resonate.
    Sending you hugs. xx


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