What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoreturnagain; Digging The Archive

I was a bit stuck - what to share today? Looked back to the first year of blogging and what was included in 'this week'; stymied, cuz there were etherwobbles. So went back one week. Found this. You may like it.

Sometimes we are so busy bounding around in Life we forget how to stop.  
Then Life finds a way of stopping us.

Before it does, remember this.  
Sometimes, the best remedy is no remedy.  
Sometimes, the best action is no action.  
Sometimes - just sometimes - silence is the panacea.

Eastern Grey Kangaroo


  1. Oh this is new to me so I am very very pleased with it. A roo at peace...
    I love the words too.
    Hugs to you and yours

  2. I do like it, and needed to "hear" that today...thank you!

  3. Yep, that happened here when the arm decided to break:) Always good to take the time to stop and smell the roses:)

  4. What do soldiers do? Rest, recreation, repair? That's not quite right, but close and good.

  5. ye... we agree... sometimes no action is the key... like mr. konfuze said, sit down by the river and wait ...

  6. Hi Yam - having looked after my mother and my father's BIL - there were times when the brain was exhausted ... I managed to do what was needed - and no more. So quite understand ... take care and with thoughts - Hilary

  7. That's such a very peaceful looking 'roo!

  8. So true in so many instances.

  9. On the news a couple of days ago we saw a man being hugged by a kangaroo exactly like this one. That kangaroo really loved him and I do know that they can be dangerous and that we can't go around hugging them but it melted my heart seeing that kangaroo hugging the man. It is true that sometimes the answer is to do nothing or say nothing

  10. Yep - Tigger's know that. And so does your 'roo obviously. He looks very 'zen'. Furrings and purrings as always. Mr T

  11. What a great capture of a being at rest. Perfect for the words. namaste, janice x

  12. You are right. Sometimes, knots just get untied on their own.


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