What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menowering; The Glower Of A Night Sky

The Fudge (larger 'serious' camera) has been staying in the Hutch. Just too bulky to carry back and forth to Edinburgh. Hisstix is my travel companion now. 

Anyway. I unloaded the Fudge's card the other day. Not much on it really, but some attempts at lunar photography. This is the view from the Hutch's window looking South and a little West, 'doon the watter' of the Clyde firth.

Got rather more of the street in it than I wanted. I had obviously tried for a close-up of that moon, but all were pretty awful. One, though, had an appeal that made me want to do something with. Enter the use of FOTOSKETCHER. I don't use it a lot, but occasionally it is great for turning mediocre images into something maybe worth the keeping.

I am back on duty with my father in Edinburgh. It may take some settling in...if I am missing from comments for a day or two, don't fret.


  1. i like that first one. the street makes it interesting. i am off to look at fotosketcher. you know how i love to play.

  2. Both are very artsy YAM!!
    I hope you and Dad both settle back into a routine....do you have night aide?
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Nice photos. We are sending you lots of good wishes for as much peace in your days and nights as possible. Hugs.

  4. The first one looks like a picture from a horror movie. Hi to your dad and take care of yourself.

  5. For free! I'm on it!
    I hope your next round with Dad is a little less stressful.

  6. We hope you find Dad cheerful/contented/comfortable and pleased to see you back looking refreshed. Poise. Furrings and purrings from Mr T and his humans

  7. tehy both are super! the first one is something you can make a story around... it looks a little as if there are some fallen stars under the moon ;O)

  8. Both are great - the first one would make a great prompt for a story :) Hope you find your father in good health. Wish you a tranquil week.

  9. Hoping this stint in Edinburgh is relatively uneventful...

  10. Love that first picture! We're off to check out fotosketcher.

  11. Fantastic moon shots ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. The first photo is really nice.

  13. I rather like the street in the view. could believe it might be #2 Baker St. namaste, janice xx


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