What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoAZinkulling: W

This month here at the Wild YAMster's bloggy, you are going to be regaled with words related to feelings and happenings of the last twelve months. Oh yes, you know of what I talk.  This is to be the ALPHABET OF AAARRGFIZZZ... We've all had to deal with it. This will be a reflection purely from my point of view. You don't necessarily have to agree with what I say; just appreciate where it's coming from. Normal service will resume on May Day. (By which time I may be yelling that down the ether phone loud and repetitively!)

Is there any among us who did not express concern about the state of affairs this past year? I am, of course, talking about Worry. It would be fair to say that worry continues.

It would also be correct to state that we are in a protracted period of time where Worry dominates daily life, even if not necessarily manifesting as full-blown anxiety. There are a disturbing number of folk who protest the wearing of masks and lockdown, causing the rest of us quite some worry - but let us also acknowledge that they, in their turn, are worried. Worried about their 'right to mingle' regardless of the community's wider concerns. This is the conundrum of democracy. Let them protest. Just let none of them come anywhere near anyone who doesn't.

In the disUK, at the moment, we are going through an opening up, a release of lockdown. This is the point we were at last June, which only ended up with another surge of the lurgy. There are many, including myself, who will be taking things very cautiously. What is a bit bothersome about it this time around is that there is a sense of safety created by the presence of vaccines. It is concerning because it may be a false barrier. No doubt deaths will be reduced, and hospitalizations lessened... but we only have to look east to see that things are far from under control. India was released from its lockdown far too soon and too quickly, and the price is being paid. The western countries who are faring better are at risk as long as the global view is not taken and assistance to all of earth's residents provided. Of necessity, COVID induced a localised concentration. Now we need to understand that local means global

Work; well, that became a worry, didn't it? For those still in employment anyway. For many, work will not be as it was before, even when things start to settle down properly.

No, I can't get away from the Worry Word. Just about everything one reads has an element of worry connected to it. Not least when it is about the governpeeps of the disUK. Really, that Wascally Wabbit, aka Aeh Bee duh Pee Jokes-on, is surely heading for a comedown. One hopes. He's a walking cartoon character who somehow, like the roadrunner, always floats through the worst of disasters. Surely there are only so many lives available??? It's all starting to Wear me out.

Back tomorrow with more Whisperings from the alphabet - nearly finished, though, folks!!!


  1. Worry was a big part of 2020, and yes, it continues to plague us. We are left to Wonder what the future holds.

  2. The worry is the political class will find ways and means of milking this crisis. Lives be damned.

  3. The world has begun to rally around India. It's such a huge problem...

  4. I'm an easy worrier. The pandemic triggered my anxiety.

  5. I am happy that I was NOT in the big city when the pandemic took hold of the world. Living in a small rural community has been a blessing. I find that my level of worry/anxiety has actually dropped since I came back.

  6. I live in area that mask wearing is violenting there rights. But my question to them is getting your car register and such a violation of your presonal rights.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. Fortunately I didn't have to worry about work. In fact I was lucky and managed to get a steady job at 32 hours a week. Which lessened the money worry considerably.

    But I think for most of the people their main W-word would be Wish. I wish it was over. I wish.


  8. I think that is the only word what describes our main feelings.. but we hope it will be better during the next month...

  9. Hi Yam - you've made some good points and I certainly feel for many in this country, who have major challenges over and above mine as a healthy and able to live person. It is desperate for many ... the many others need to understand, think of others, appreciate the situation for many out there - we cannot be selfish. For the world - we are in dire straights and are so lucky being here. Wish is a good word too ... stay safe and I'm lucky that I tend not to worry - very lucky. All the best - Hilary

  10. F's not naturally a worrier, but I can tell somethings are starting to wear out on her. She came home with tears today after someone raised her hopes that she might be able to get innoculated here, and then dashed the hopes again, and within minutes of shutting the door behind her received celebratory messages from two colleagues in their 30's who have managed to book vaccinations and were patting themselves on the back and planning team nights out and return to office work. I like having F at home so I sat on her desk and dropped fur in her coffee, and reassured her that it is all for the best; I'll look after her. xxx Mr T

    1. Hari Om
      Ah Mr T... I would go so far as to agree with you - I know quite a few folk still in the workforce who are happy that they have been given the choice to remain on work at home for the rest of this year - because it really is a case of remain cautious.

      I do not worry for myself - I am old enough and (hopefully) wise enough to really not be bothered about my own condition. But I am concerned for the world at large. Yxx

  11. Very well said and thought out YAM!!
    There are rumblings of a lift of indoor mask mandates as of June 1; however, the powers that be say we also have to be a a much higher % rate of folks vaccinated too.
    Hugs and Bcat says thank you for the bdaygreetings

  12. yes to WORRY, I am even worried because i gained 10 lbs during the year and have been unable to lose that 10. i go down 2 and back up 2, down 3 and back up 3. which is how i have held the weight loss for 4 years but for the worrisome 10.
    add that worry to virus worry and other people who don't wear mask worry and i worry i will gain another 10.
    USA is talking about help to India but what about our neighbors Mexico and Canada who can't get enough vaccine.. Covid 19 will live on for years

  13. We worry that all this virus stuff will be going on for years to come. It's not too bad for our pawrents since they are both retired but it does put a damper on any entertainment type of activities they might enjoy. That's okay since they always have us around to entertain them.

  14. Worry, Wonder and Wishing. Worry about the world's strength to get back on their feet...Wondering how things will be a year from now and Wishing for a time when things will be peaceful again.

  15. Very worrying (in fact tragic) situation in India right now. Another country with a shockingly bad leader?

  16. It certainly seems like there are an infinite number of issues to worry about. For me what's primary is the essential need to get vaccines, equipment and aid to those most vulnerable and in need. This is another wave of opportunity to get our acts together, stop being ego-centric and selfish in privilege, and finally figure out equitable distribution of resources.

  17. I worry for India at the moment, and the constant worry over variants arriving to undo all the good work of the vaccines in the UK. It will be sometime before we start to worry less I imagine.

  18. I think I worry about the same amount but maybe now and then, it's a bit less when I don't read the news or whatever is on the web.

    Have a lovely day.

    My A-Z posts are here.

  19. Worry certainly has been a part of life over the last few months. There is the wonder of nature that can give us the opportunity to relieve some of that worry. namaste, janice xx


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