What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikkul; Midweek Musicalisms

To complete the set, this is what happens when malambo goes 'Riverdance'. This is a showcase presentation - a trailer, I suppose - for their show. Tricksy drums, meltdown malambo and, man, do these boys know how to handle their balls. 😐
(... I may have "impuro" reasons for including this one!)


  1. Just imagine those rotating things being on fire and thats the sort of stuff neighbour Panagiota whirls around (minus the cool dancing) - so you can understand why a cat might stay well out of her way. Fz & Pz Mr T

  2. WOW! Almost as hot as the temperatures here! Love the kicks and chains!

  3. Stunning and hypnotic watching!

  4. Ohhh the drum beats were felt in my being
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Amazing performance! Loved it!

  6. i would love to see there show and would if i could.. they are awesome.. i love those drummers

  7. They were most entertaining! Thank you!

  8. There may have been lots of hits during the training days. Well done on their part. namaste, janice xx


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