What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menocyclical; Sharing Posts Around

These posts from Aatmaavrajanam bloggy felt like they needed to be shared - one today, one tomorrow. 

Hari OM

The word did not so much get whispered. It was more the prompting of an image. I took the photo some while ago, but sorting files last week, it kinda struck deep.

HEART. It has become something of a loose symbol, an emoji and a hand-shaping for all who show themselves to camera and crowds. Wearing their hearts upon their sleeves, as it were.

In Vedanta, heart is understood to be of the mind. That is to say, in the context of emotion. When a concept or occurrence affects us physically, via the limbic, triggering the parasympathetic system, we tend to talk about our heart leaping, or coming into our throats and other similar terms. It is not entirely imagined. The rush of adrenaline that will have been triggered by the systems mentioned in response is all part of the fight or flight technology in our body. Even a positive event can trigger this. Excitement has the same causative response as fear. 

However, it is all triggered in the brain and the thoughts we have around it are purely of the mind. Nothing of the physical as such at all. And nothing to do with the actual organ we call the heart. 

This is true also when we talk about taking heart as in, having courage. The organ is not going to supply anything but the circulation of blood. The lungs are going to do nothing but exchange the air. The brain is going to do nothing but be the processor. 

The data is written into that processor by chitta (the memory of our spiritual selves and logger of current experiences), the buddhi (the analytical section of our mental selves), the manas (the river of thoughts - the output of the programming), and the ahangkaara (the ego-self which is the interface with the world, the 'keyboard' upon which our individual program is written).

Events happen, good or bad. The animal being reacts according to the physical responses required to deal with those situations. What happens to us as humans, though, is that we formulate thoughts and give words to express the effect upon us - the general word being 'feelings.' Further to that, we assign much precedence to those feelings and permit them importance, governance, that can often cause a great deal of trouble. Not just for ourselves, but for others. It is this animal part of us, where the buddhi has somehow become disengaged or is over-ridden by the ahangkaara and manas, that stirs up, and allows to rule, such things as the hatred and cynicism that has become so prevalent.

When we say of someone that they are permitting their hearts to rule their head, what we are really saying is that they are believing their ego and not their intellect. No matter how clever their words.

That requires of those who are faced with insult, abuse or any other negative, to 'find heart' and give voice to the effect upon them. 

In doing this, both sides need to rise into their buddhi. They need to be clear, analytical, truly above the animal responses. Sadly, this is something that appears to be lacking for many today. Too many are willing to sink into their lower selves and not seek to raise or put effort into improving themselves as human beings. To become the epitome of Love Universal that this symbol ought truly to represent.


  1. Beautifully explained. Thank you.

  2. i think all the bad things going on in our world now and that have in the past and will continue in the future, are caused by humans not rising above their aninmal instincts or urges or responses.. I know that I personally use the word love way to many times, and here in USA everyone slings around the Luv You response like it is the word hello or good buy

  3. What a beautiful sculpture. We sure do need more folks practicing love and understanding
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Such a thought provoking explanation of reactions. It is just too easy to give into the baser instincts than to fight to move to a higher plane. namaste, janice xx

  5. F read this. We try to avoid making trite comments if we don't really understand. So we've thought about this for a while, and read it again. Maybe the ego and the intellect aren't independent. Physical and mental health are treated as separate things when they are not and cannot be - like dye in water, they are together. So maybe also ego and intellect. Maybe it is only ever available to a very few to desire, have, or access the means to be able to make truly objectively detached responses. Fz & Pz Mr T

    1. Hari Om
      I appreciate some thinking is going on - however, it needs to be slightly corrected. Dye and water become alchemically bonded, separate until mixed. That said, scientists use chromatography to separate colours from water when assessing components - and industrially, dyes are removed from wastewater by the use of absorbents such as carbon. The two are never wholly one.

      The Rsis, after many years, reached a unified understanding of the four components of the human psyche (as summarised in the paragraph 'The data...') You can read an expanded explanation in THIS POST over at AV chapter 1. If you wish to read all posts on the matter, click the 'antaHkaarna' label there. Ego and intellect are, in some ways, diametrically opposed. Intellect is the clear water, ego is the colour - but it also obscures. Ego is the thing that grows and can prevent us from even seeing ourselves clearly, let alone others. Now, there are many of an intellectual bent who are also egoists and it is known that many in academia can become bullies and so fixated on their own theories they cannot allow for growth. When such people become leaders... well...

      As individuals, it is perfectly easy to be taught the difference between ego-influenced and clear thinking processes - refer to the Sunday post about anger/violence. Childhood tantrums come from pure ego - "I want that and only that and will create havoc if I don't get it!" Is there such a thing as 'righteous anger?' Yes, there is, but it does not express violence. It will always express intellectually because it can be fully debated and justified. (Though we have to beware justification, as that too can be coloured by ego and selfishness.) Intellect is also the 'muscle' of the thinking body. It can be built up or loosened off. Mind, ego and Chitta are fixed. It is true that not everyone is allotted an equal balance, but the potential is within all and when given the chance - with good guidance - the intellect can blossom like the lotus from the swamp. YAM xx

    2. OOOOPs - classic mistake - forgot to put the link in! Yxx


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