What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menorise; Saturday Sayings

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
(Isaac Asimov)


  1. That explains a lot of the rage we see. There can, also, be a degree of frustration attempting to over come a system not built to help those in need but rather to line the pockets of the greedy. Namaste, janice xx

  2. Sad but true. What a vibrant and beautiful flower!

  3. gorgeous flower and on bob's tv screen at this moment, there is a 1950 mercury car just the color of your flowers.

  4. Only hope the incompetence is shown in the violence too!

  5. YAM you find the most wonderful quotes to go with your beautiful flowers.
    Hugs cecilia

  6. Totally agree. F descends into violent rage when she can't find stuff in her bag (incompetence) and then she just upends the bag and dumps the contents wherever she happens to be standing. She doesn't carry much - specs, phone, notebook, wallet, string bag - all different sizes and textures; so how does she fail to locate any of those even rattling around loose in a plain cotton bag? Incompetence and a black bag. I have finally convinced her that for the safety of her phone she needs to make a purpose built bag with colour coded zip pockets for everything. Then it could also have a pocket for cat treats. Seriously though - it is so true and particularly sad to see in small children who aren't being helped to develop the resources to respond to the world, and just deal with uncertainty by employing violence. Furrings and purrings Mr T

    1. Hari OM
      That is a fair point, about the tantrums not being appropriately dealt with and those developing into full-blown bully anger... the sort that thinks fists and spits bring everything to them. Then those types group together and we have gangs... and on it goes.

      Meanwhile, I sympawthighs with F - for I've had many a moment with bags like that! H&W Y-a xxx


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Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.