What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikul; Midweek Musicalisms

Well, it's the last Wednesday of the month already. It is hoped you really enjoyed the little insights into the virtuosity of the great master of flamenco, Señor Paco Peña. If you were paying attention to the first offering, you would have noted that he set up an academy in The Netherlands. Well, to finish the month, here is a more recent item in which Sr. Paco leads four of his students from that school. 

Observe how they show their nervousness at playing with their master, how keen to not put a finger wrong, the deference to his own playing... his inscrutable look as behooves all Gurus!


  1. that's perfect for a summer evening with sangria and tapas in the garden...

  2. Hi Yam - it's wonderful to hear the Fandangos played here ... beautiful and uplifting start to the day. It must be daunting for the students ... but is delightful to hear. Thank you ... Hilary

  3. Paco has aged over the month! (And is actually one of those men who looks better older. At least, so I think).
    Beautiful paying too.
    Cheers, Gail.

  4. What fun this was. Love the foot tapping!

  5. That is sit-outside-on-the-porch in the evening hours kind of music:) Very enjoyable.

  6. Perfect road trip music. Keeps one calm and flowing like waters in a gentle stream. namaste, janice xx

  7. Oh thank you. One of my music heroes since childhood. Had me attempting Flamenco on the kitchen tiled floor!


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