What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly



  1. People are always finding ways to distinguish themselves from 'them' - the others. It is how many define the social or cultural group they belong to; not being one of 'them'. History is full of self-serving leaders who knew exactly how to exploit that, and COVID, travel, vaccination status etc is simply providing even more ways to divide and rule; to spread intolerance instead of love.

    1. Hari OM
      Spot on... and I am sure that is in part to account for the general malaise (other than 'coviditionitis') which sits in the atmosphere. It remains, as ever, to those of us who have the Love Energy, to ensure we spread it far and wide, to keep it bouyant... Yxx

  2. Absolutely! Thank you for constantly visiting us and leaving lovely comments! Hugs!

  3. It is interesting that all the major religions could probably offer some equivalent quote to this - not just from saints but from sacred texts too - and yet we have such division between them at times. Or I suspect more accurately that they are divided by politicisation. Not really my subject - just a passing observation.

    1. Hari OM
      yes, the 'politicisation' - both within each establishment and, sadly, adoption by governments. I strongly believe religion and state politics ought to be entirely separate (that doesn't mean the leaders need to be without their personal faith support, just that it ought not to enter their speeches and policy making). However, the human critter seems incapable of it. It is a cheap and easy angle to win folk to one's side, reaching into their personal beliefs and exacerbating the dogma rather than the spirit... All faiths do indeed aim for universal Love and all who practice their faith honestly can mingle with others fearlessly. Yxx

  4. lots of interesting things today, both in your post and in all the comments. the one that rings in my head the most is your reply, the human critter seems incapable of it. well said and to me it is true.

  5. Truer words were never spoken.

  6. We all need to remember the Golden Rule
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. A great quote to mark the times we are in. It's too bad that some can't find it possible to love others that aren't just like themselves.

  8. I LOVE this quote! I am putting it on my affirmation wall! Thanks so very much! I needed to read this!

  9. A former pastor's wife turned to me once and said, "Sometimes I think this is hell that we are living in." Always thought that was interesting for a person of faith. namaste, janice xx


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