What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

First Friday Filmclub

The clip I bring you today is from a tubular channel that I have found myself binging on. There are lots of this type of thing, I'm sure you are aware. Watching one or two of anyone's travel or van life series most often dries up after a few. However, Snow and Curt have totally captivated me - or more correctly, their video style, interaction, openness and 10-year intention has. It might also be that they have travel mates in the form of their two cats, G and Vanna. Also, their music soundtracks are always spot on. I happened upon them first from a recommendation on my dashboard. That's as good a link as any if you decide you want to learn a little more about them. Or just click their channel and do like I did - become absorbed in travel by proxy!!!

This clip is from the El Salvador leg of their world tour. There have been a few similar visits, but as always, there was something to set it apart from the preceding ones. In this case, the young man talking about his coffee house and plantation, and - what really was moving and important - managing through lockdowns last year. Listen carefully, this is a truly interesting and at times profound offering. (It'll take 25mins of your time.)


  1. Wow!! What a great video. I've subscribed and added them to our list of travel/RV Tubing!

    ...Ed and I dream of doing something like this traveling across the US after he retires!

    1. Hari OM
      I knew you'd love it! I have gone down a total warren of travelogues and there will be more to come next month... I have long had this desire and I have to say it is rising in me sap again at the moment... I guess I am more or less recovering from all the physical efforts, not to mention the emotional, of all dad's cares last year and now have to look to the next chapter in my own life... could it be van life??? We'll see how the next year or so pans out! YAM xx

  2. love it... I like when people just doing life like it is and make it to the one they want

  3. F enjoyed it very much. She doesn't watch other people's travel videos so much, but this is kind of how we travel - trying to find locals who love their place and can share their enthusiasm without being over-parochial about it. Furrings and Purrings Mr T

  4. OMCs YAM what a fun Friday film. I think I even saw a Feline riding in the back window well. OMCs...
    I giggled at the GatorSeminole joke. They are rivals to the end like NC State and UNC.
    The tour was amazing for a coffee lover.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. I am sending this to my friend Rose i think she will love it.

  6. That sure is a tiny space for a couple of people to live in for 10 years. How nice that they also take their cats with them.

  7. Fascinating. My hubby would love this type of life, he thinks. namaste, janice xx


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