What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikul; Midweek Musicalisms

When I introduced you to Clapping Music by Steve Reich a few weeks back, Tigger and F were intrigued and made a request for more 'music' created by the body. There is, of course, a whole field to play in regarding body percussion and I have had great fun trawling the tubular for items to share with you this month to honour that request. As always, I hope there will be something a little educational as well as innovative and just a prompt to listen and think outside your usual groove!

Today's one is distinctly educational; Pass The Sound is a channel that arose from their first video in the form of a short documentary about collective music-making (mostly percussive but not exclusively so). Do check out that channel if you like the participative opportunity this offers - I was joining in!!! So here is an intro to basic body percussion.


  1. That's Great, Thanks for the video

  2. Coooooooooooool. Fz & Pz Mr T and F

  3. I love it love it love it... will book mark this one and give it a try. its also good excercise. the last one with two different steps sounds like drummers to me. I love percussion best of all music. also I love listening to the teach talk

  4. Sounds rhythmic and relaxing. So cool!

  5. Amazing and such fun. I would have been a OK until the leader stop and I was told to keep up as before.
    LOL I would have lost Concentration. Maybe keeping my eyes closed would have helped.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Hari Om
      Yes - even syncopated me had a little difficulty! As Sandra says - good exercise and it is worth going to all their other videos and having a proper workout! Wait till the one at the end of the month... Yxx

  6. The teacher seemed like such a nice chap!

  7. It's hard not to stand up and participate.


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.