What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly


  1. I LOVE the quote! I will become a Tyrant of LOVE! |There are not enough hours in the day. But I am really enjoying stretching my artistic skills. It all started because I wanted to to a small 6"x6" portrait of my sister's Airedale Jewel and I got sucked into the exploration of what I can do using Photoshop and expanding my skill set! I have entered you in the draw for Caturday, and there will be a draw for Sunday too! As these are pieces of digital art from a photo, some of your photos would make wonderful art work! Marv sends kitty kisse

  2. Not common to find tyrant and love in the same thought. Mr T is turning into a tyrant for breakfast on time. 7am or nothing. It's dark at 7am here now and F didn't see the ants marching across the kitchen floor of the holiday room, all heading for Mr T's food bowl. He came back to bed a short time later and beat up on F some more - which she didn't understand until daylight settled in the kitchen. Fortunately the ants hadn't discovered the loaf of bread on the bench ....yet. We move on today. Xxx Mr T & F

  3. Interesting quote. To me, the words 'tyrant' and 'love' sit uneasily together.

  4. I read Tiggers comment and the word tyrant fits ants for sure, they take over. this one makes no sense to me, a tyrant is cruel and opressive, Stalin for instant, so love and tyrant don't work for me, but i do know what he means.

  5. What a beautiful message
    Happy Sunday
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. A great quote. We need more love in this world.

  7. That would be the best kind of tyranny!

  8. ❤❤❣💕💓💖💖💖 janice xx


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