What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

It has to be a festive dive to the archive, right?!


  1. Merry Christmas, Chronia Polla, and Glaedelig Jul to you too. Mr T wants to know why reindeer have x tummy buttons.

    1. Hari Om
      eerrrrrrrmmm... those might not be tummy buttons..... Yxx

  2. Christmas is so much fun and so beautiful.

  3. I am an avid fan of archive diving, others and my own. the santas have me grinning and i tried to mimmick them but did not eve make it. love your holly and canles and tiny beautiful sparkling tree. Merry Christmas

  4. Lovely pictures from Christmas past. The picture with all the cards made us a bit nostalgic as we remember Blogville friends that are no longer with us.

  5. YAM what a lovely post...of times gone by and hopefully to some day return...no matter very festive
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS especially the Dancing Deer and Santa

  6. Thank you for all the lovely Christmas pictures. As Covid has us in it's grip (the worst yet) and Christmas is being canceled around us, it is hard to be as festive. We are trying!

  7. LOve the post! Thanks do very much for sharing the Christmas photos!

  8. Holiday splendor. namaste, janice xx


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