What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

MenoSundays; Life Lived Lovingly

Everything that life throws at us has an effect. How we deal with those effects is down to ourselves. With the right turn of mind, there is nothing that can keep us down, hold us back or flatten our cheerfulness. 

Of course, there are some for whom this is more difficult than others. Let us reach out then, and share our positivity around, lift those who are unable for any reason to lift themselves. 


  1. My husband is a "glass half empty" kind of person and I'm a "glass half full" so I often have to help him see the brighter side of things.

  2. I am like the husband in Millie comment, i call it being realistic, not half empty. and I can tell you when a half full person tries to lift me up, it doesn't work, it makes me mad. i know this is over simplification and am typing what first popped in my head. I do know that some are down and can't ever see the bright side, my son and his wife are both bi-polar and there is nothing to do to lift them up when they are down. depends on what kind of person is what kind of down

  3. That's what I strive for every single day.

  4. That is what we are trying to do this year - refuse to be unhappy. Tigger's are virtually never unhappy as long as the humans deliver lunch on time. Mine is currently thawing out on top of F's coffee and I'm getting impatient. Impatient but not unhappy. Fz and Pz Mr T

  5. Ah - new header. Same nice colour, new view.

  6. YAM what a wonderful quote. For sure we all need to probably print this out to hang where we can see it each day.
    Hugs cecilia

  7. It's difficult being positive many days. I am pasting a smile on (for JB) and hoping for the best. xx

  8. I'll admit to having some reservations about the idea that you can "choose your attitude". I think it's only true up to a point.

  9. I am working hard to not fall into the pit of despair. I allow some wallowing moments and feel the feelings but am working on trying to find the light in these dark days! (made harder by the weather!)

  10. Striving to be positive is always my intent, but it isn't always easy.

  11. Sometimes being cheerful and positive or bringing up a positive side to an issue just irritates those around me. namaste, janice xx


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