What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikul; Midweek Musicalisms

For this week's Jerusalema aerobics session, let's pop Down Under to Sydney!


  1. it's great that we have so much of this challenge... muzak brings people together... maybe it is mightier than any weapon?

  2. I love the fact the girl at around 33 seconds is looking at a picture of two dogs on her 'work' computer screen. As sly bit of humour there, I think!

  3. This video took me to the days when my brother and his family who are from Sydney used to wonder about COVID. And few months later Sydney was worst affected. They had the strictest lockdown not just once but twice. I learnt from my brother that Sydneyians followed the lockdown rules very diligently unlike people from some parts of the world.
    About the video... the part that I liked the most was the family of 4 dancing to the tune!

  4. thanks for my five minutes of joy and excercise before I walk beau.. LOVE IT!!!! will add to my excercise list

  5. That was fun☺ Thank you!

  6. Oh my word this gave me a serious case of wiggle butt and happy feet.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. My youngest son sent me a link to the original video of Jerusalema some time ago. I found it very moving, the message, the joy, the seriousness too. Although there was dancing in it, I never imagined it would become and aerobics background.


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