What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikul; Midweek Musicalisms

Now for an old battle song; We call upon you Alasdair, Son of Colla, into your hands we place our safety... The song goes on to lament the plight of "Glaschu (Glasgow) going down and Obair-Dheathain (Aberdeen) being pillaged, into your hands we lay heroic deeds."


  1. I'm thinking after I get done with my artist from different countries, I might do music selection.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. Unusual to see the Gaelic version of Aberdeen - not something you see on any sign posts in and around the city.

  3. interesting... I've read about it at google... thanks for sharing ...

  4. YAM I always enjoy your Music posts. A former PhD student and his family recently took a trip to Ireland.
    You might remember about 3 years ago his daughters and wife visited me in Raleigh. All three girls play piano however Nora the middle also plays violin. Sandra (the Mom) sent me the link below of their visit to Kilarney and a pub.
    Kilarney National Park, Killarney House and Gardens, out to a local pub for dinner where Nora played the violin. Nora will be in 10th grade this school year. I thought you would enjoy it. Hugs Cecilia

  5. PS she has no music and starts off a bit slow but she quickly gets her groove going

    1. Hari OM
      Ooh, brave lass - and once she got going it was fab! Thanks for that. Yxx

  6. Even though it is a song of lament there is still a lightness in it as well. namaste, janice xx


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