What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menopuzzling Monday

Crossword time again... Now I know that many of you curled your toes at the thought of these - but really, they aren't that bad!!! Just remember to use the reveal, or check, buttons up at the top right. I do attempt to keep to general knowledge, so there is no reason for anyone to miss out. Permit me to suggest a strategy; look at all the clues before trying any fill-in at all. At least one or two will be immediately obvious (particularly this week). Fill those in, at least. Look at all the clues again, but particularly where you now have a letter or letters. It might seem basic, but I also know that sometimes we build walls between ourselves and the glaringly obvious! Make sure you read my note before entering the puzzle. (Some last time misunderstood and thought the puzzle was about crochet as such - which it was not. That's learning for me, too...)

A request to those who do tackle it; when I work other folks' crosswords at the site, I can leave them and return later to 'resume'. I would like to know whether you can do that by working on this puzzle on my page. It ought to be the case, but I can't actually check that myself, for as the constructor, I only have the completed item. Let me know by email or in the comments ta.


  1. Yes the resume function does work. Completed in 6 mins with a bit of help from google. Oh and surely Winnie the.... has an 'h'' at the end!
    Cheers, Gail.

    1. Hari Om
      Thanks for the feedback... and to my embarrassment, you are absolutely correct about PooH!!! I shall have to see now if there is a way to edit my clues and think of another for that (which I did, of course, but didn't want to be... indelicate!) Yxx

    2. ... oh yes, that made me learn a bit more of functionality on the build site and edit completed! Yxx

  2. the mama needs another coffee first BOL

  3. Yes the resume thing works, but once its finished I cannot see it again. I did it in 14 mins but I was confused until I read your note. Also got in a muddle with the spelling of the capital of Mongolia. Never heard of the Aussie slang or the family.

  4. Good luck to all on the puzzle. For some reason they just don't appeal to me but I dearly love (am addicted to) Words With Friends
    Hugs cecilia

  5. Judging from Hilary's reply, it must take longer to complie these than to do them. I cannot imagine how crossword compliers did this before the aid of digital! xxx F

  6. Well all I can say Yam - is how clever of you ... I'm not looking! But fun it appears to be - cheers Hilary

  7. I am very very bad with crosswords ..

  8. Ugh, had to do a lot of Googling and guessing! Yes, I can leave and return to pick up where I left off to look up answers like the names of capitals. namaste, janice xx


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