What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

First Friday Filmclub

This one is a share from one of my fave tubular channels. The Fully Charged Show was created by actor/comedian/ alternative energy enthusiast Robert Llewellyn, who remains the senior host of the show.  In recent eps, there has been news of a wood-fibre battery and a sand battery and here is one about the salt battery. It threw me right back to childhood and dad teaching me about the different charge forces in different materials, and he used salt to demonstrate. So the knowledge has been there - the technical (and marketing) wherewithal is only now manifesting.


  1. Thanks Yam - always fun to see ... cheers Hilary

  2. Interesting film. Good to see a Sheffield company pushing forward more sustainable solutions to battery technology.

  3. since they say Florida will be sinking soon and under water, using seawater salt in stead of lithium makes a lot of sense.

  4. OM YAM your shared video taught me so very much! WOW
    The waves were relaxing too
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. We are with Gail on that, Sheffield or anywhere, the lithium option didn't appear to be the answer to fossil fuels but this sodium ion battery looks way more attractive.

  6. What an interesting video. I hope to see more sodium ion batteries coming to a device we use.


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