What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menowercogitatus; Thinking Thursdays

Well... if you read last Thursday's post, you will recall that I mentioned the serendipitous nature of things turning up that I could add or gave further impetus to my project of creating a history thread on the blog this year. Quite often, one could put that down to the workings of mysteriousness and magicks in the cogs and electrons of the intermutts. However, there have been a couple of things that could not necessarily be generated thus. One example I will share here today.

I can be sure of it not pertaining to algorithms because it was simply an episode whose turn came in a long line of episodes on the History Hit podcast that I have pointed you to before. I hadn't listened over the first week of the month, so had some catching up to do, which I did on the Friday following my Thursday post two weeks back... the one about that survey of women's health. 

Thank you to those who commented and added to the narrative. In the final paragraph, I wrote that I felt there had been some regression in women's standing due to the re-emergence of antediluvian thinking. I also noted in one comment response that it is the nature of history to swing like a pendulum and that, at some point, there will be another couple of generations living the life of light and thinking they had sorted the negatives in the world. In last week's post, I also stated that all lives and history are given value in remembrance. Imagine my delight, then, when this episode of HH came to my ears... one in which the author Kate Mosse talks about her latest book, but also some very personal connection that inspired her to it. She also talks very eloquently about the purpose and need to maintain history... I don't mind admitting to you that as she spoke her last few sentences, it hit me right where it opened the tap, and I had a 'moment'. She could have been a fly on my inner wall, spying on my thoughts and sharing precisely what I have been thinking! Indeed, to be frank, there have been a few items come up at this start to the year which are picking up on similar themes that I have independently been following - and this says to me that there is an energy shift out there as more and more folk are starting to question the state of the world and are preparing for some level of change - which, if history holds faith, could be quite radical. I would go so far as to say we need something seismic to occur to properly get us back into the (mainly) positive groove that was the latter half of the 20th Century... but that's me digressing again!

Here it is, then, a most entertaining and interesting half an hour. If you prefer not to use Spotify, you may also listen HERE on the show's own website.


  1. Yam, I've been away too long! I've begun to listen to this HH, but time constrains me tonight to jump into a topic which fascinates me. And another Kate Mosse to add to my library! Thank you.

  2. thanks for interesting things... now the tv can sleep LOL

  3. Great post and subject. We have people here that want to erase our country's history, go back in time. I think we need more woman in top levels of the government. Take care, have a happy day!

  4. And the world is losing a female leader in the next few weeks now that Jacinda Abernathy has decided she wants stability home and hearth for a while. I must see if my library has Kate Mosse in the catalogue

    1. Hari OM
      Jacinda Ardern leaves big shoes to be filled... not perfect - but that would have been a foul. It was her few fragilities that made her a model of proper politics. We lack so few examples in the world just now... Yxx

  5. History is interesting, because it gives us a perspective and context to the present. I'll listen to the audio clip.

  6. I agree that things change and the pendulum is always swinging back and forth changing what has already changed.
    Each time we think we are getting racism under control it rears its ugly head. I thought anti semitism was in the past and it is not. I have often said, i am so happy I was born into the time I am because if i had been born in the 1700's they would have burned me at the stake or at least made me a cast out... shifts have been since man took his first breath and will continue to the end of time..

  7. There was recently a local news piece on this very subject. We never know what people are really thinking
    Good Morning YAM
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. The empowerment of women, especially in impoverished countries, is what makes the difference. It has been proven time and time again. My family doctor is a woman, my optometrist is a woman, the president of our naturalists club is a woman.......and on and on it goes. What talent is going to waste in countries that still repress women. Sometimes it's hard to grasp that this is the 21st century.

  9. We've lots of antifeminist men around here. They are talking about resurrecting the convy thing, or celebrating the one-year anniversary. We are still fighting the gun range, too, although that has slowed down.


Inquiry and debate are encouraged.
Be grown-ups, please, and play nice.