What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoffagainorrhea; A Bit More Travel...

The night before F and Mr B returned from NZ, Tigger decided to warm up Mr B's armchair. This was the first time I saw him do this...

It was definitely sit with intent! About an hour before they arrived on Sunday arvo, he became quite restless, and we played a game of 'fat tail' on the stairs; then he paraded the window sills of the sitting room... and only disappeared into his cubby hole minutes before they walked in the door. 

The travellers were managing quite well after such a long trip - though Mr B did have to retreat to his bed for a couple of days due to a dodgy belly. F went straight to work - well, after a natter and catch-up. Out into the garden and organising what needed to be transferred to the allotment. We then wheeled the stuff up there and whilst she worked to plant out the pumpkins and sweetcorn, I sat and took the 'snoopervising' position!

Some of the Popeye soup with a non-dog sandwich for tea, and we all had an early night. Next morning, being a bank holiday Monday, F was still free to share her day. She and Mr B attended the garden for a few hours in the morning - the grass had grown significantly. The edges grown excessively frilly with a few unwelcome visitors, and there was still more repotting to be done.

Late morning, F and I set off in Tigger's van for a visit to the Weald and Downland Living Museum. It was a blissful drive in the early summer sun, oft-dappled by the magnificent trees and shrubs that line the country roads of Hampshire and West Sussex. The summer banner for the bloggy is taken from a shot before we even entered the museum. It was very busy at the entrance and cafeteria, but once out into the 'kraal' itself, there is so much space that only on a couple of occasions did one feel crowded as such.

Now, with my limited walking ability these days, it must be owned that we covered only about one-third of the area available to wander - but even that was no small amount, and really, there was no hurry, no 'goal'. This outing was merely to drink in the ambience, learn a few new things about old buildings and even participate at times.

This lady had a cabinet of curiosities, and those gathered were invited to open a door or drawer to select an item. We all then made our guesses as to what it may have been used for.

She was both entertaining and informative, and we lingered for quite a few minutes with the group. I even made a selection. Attracted to orange as I am, the bag picked turned out to contain sheep knuckles and a wooden ball... for the children's game that preceded the one F and I were more familiar with, which used five-pronged metal 'knuckles' and a rubber ball. 

Of course, I was then asked to demonstrate the game and failed miserably! Thankfully, there were some willing youngsters happy to take over from the silly old YAMster!

At the mill, the cogs were working, and flour was grinding...

F got the miller chatting; he is actually the blacksmith on two days of the week and the miller on Mondays. A very personable fellow who was happy to blether about both trades and we were with him for a good ten minutes. There was a third 'participation' at the nineteenth-century house, where a lady was telling everyone about the healing properties of honey balm and how it could be blended with various natural oils for different effects.

I will mention that the miller/smithy dropped knowledge that he occasionally pops up on The Repair Shop, a program I know a few of you like to watch. I wish I had asked his name! The workshop is on these premises. Here's the proof.

That's as close as we could get.

I did, of course, take rather a lot of images, but some are being reserved for the photo blog. I will round off with just two more.

That is the watermill, and the cabin to the left is the flour store. After our walk around, we did have a cuppa and a cake at the cafe, and then I purchased us both a bag of the delicious-smelling stoneground flour - that's going to make some very tasty roti!

If you look very closely at the picture, you will note two dogs. There were lots of dogs present, in fact, and several of them were happy to say hello. (Have YOU ever met a Hovawart???) But the orange dog you see in this piccie really caught my eye, even at that distance. Not just because it was the colour of my angel Jade but because I knew directly that it was a Ridgeback (which she was, mostly). OMD, I had a quivery moment, even after all these years. So imagine my sheer delight when, at a later point in our rounds, that very dog and its peeps came right up to us, and I got to love on that beauty!!! ......sigh....... 

Then, as if the magic of the day couldn't get any better... we got attracted to a slightly mystery leaf. Imagine my surprise when I searched and found it to be the leaf of none other than a yam! Dioscorea Communis, aka Black Bryony. My initial search at the time suggested Wild Yam**, Dioscorea Villosa, but I am glad I questioned that. The leaf was a little too 'devilish' compared to the more rounded DV... and devilish it is, being toxic and not a food plant at all.

**In case anyone has missed the fact, the bloggy is named for the plant and not for me! DV is of great therapeutic benefit in menopausal management - read the bio page to be reminded of the origins of this site.

It was a wonderful outing and perfect to distract me from the impending departure. I had packed my suitcase in the morning while the others worked in the garden... and I had a Tigger eyeing my actions with great suspicion! Thus the evening could be relaxed and collegiate as F and I talked into the gloaming on many subjects. I so enjoyed our conversations. Tigger invigilated...

Thus, my most wonderful house and cat-sitting holiday drew to a close. F returned to work on Tuesday, and Mr B most kindly drove me to the airport. It was only farewell, not goodbye... I left pretty much all my luggage to ensure that! 

Seriously though, that was because I was going to pick up The Grey... this tale TBC on Monday...


  1. at last, The Grey. Something Tigger might like--after awhile.

  2. I think it would be interesting to visit a living musuem.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  3. Cats know.
    That was a lovely museum visit. We keep on meaning to go when we visit East Kent but never have yet

  4. oh we love such a museum... it is like being in a time machine... so great!!!

  5. And all of us in the Page Turners group are waiting for the next instalment. Will you be fitting out The Grey with eating sleeping and cooking facilities?
    There’s something magical about visiting an ‘historical village’ - you mostly know what it will contain but it’s still surprising when you see the actual goodies. A working one is better still!

  6. 5 minutes from our home, is a similar living museum, i have hundreds maybe thousands of photos of it. I like your buildings more than ours. ours are all wooden, yours have so much personalty. the Repair Shop is amazing to me. you really had a true Holiday while Tigger Sitting... glad you could love on the dog that made you remember Jade. Baby Girl was part ridgeback. she was before we met

  7. Hello,
    The Living Museum is an interesting place to tour. Cute photos of Tigger. Take care, enjoy your day!

  8. These heritage villages always make for an interesting visit. Imagine - society functioned without the internet and AI!

  9. YAM what a wonderful day trip with F. WOW I bet you were snapping crazy too. Thank you!!
    Looking forward to the next installment with your new traveling buddy The Grey aka TG.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. What a lovely homecoming/outging outing!! I am soooooo looking forward to Monday!!

  11. Love the museum - especially the workshop with all of the wonderful antique tools!

  12. Hi Yam - oh I hadn't realised 'the reason' of the blog's name - now I know - thank you. Tigger is one wise animal ... lovely post ending this part of your journey - now we go into the shade of Grey ... I sincerely hope all goes well as 'the Grey' comes into being - I admire you!! Cheers Hilary

  13. It sounds like you had a wonderful time finishing your trip with Tigger and his peeps. We can't wait to hear more about the Grey!


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