What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

With the weather as it has been of late and the news being full of rage - not just in Ukraine, but rising in Kosovo, the Nogorono-Karabakh region and now Israel and Palestine in conflagration once more - I found myself picking from the archives images quite sombre... living just 'doon the watter' frae Faslane Naval Base, the Hutch witnesses many passing military ships, not just from the UK. (I do end with a flash of colour... the view from the kitchen back in 2015. Can't see the High Kirk now, as the tree has grown and grown... they do that, don't they?)


  1. A very fitting selection today. The world has become such a scary place....it has really strengthened my resolve to live each day to the fullest.

  2. What a striking set of photos, and so apt for the current mood in the world.

  3. love it... the fog makes our world to a special place.... and it covers a lot of things... so... fog-et about it ;O)

  4. Your first photo is especially stunning Yam.
    Your set of naval vessels could be titled ‘ships that pass by my window’ - they have the look of postcards. Do they produce promotional photographs of ships?

    1. Hari OM
      All commercial shippers and, indeed, the navy, are proud to display their vessels - a simple web search will reveal many images! Yxx

  5. Amazing photos, Great captured.

  6. your "ships that pass in the night" have a different look viewed through the looking glass of todays rage, and that you called it that, is perfect. it is not just the wars and courtries, it is in our streets here. Violence is on the rise. In todays News cast, our govt gave 1.5 million to Orlando, which is where Disney World is, to help with their violence in the streets. we live 90 miles from that violence there but have enough of our own in our city. now that Florida is open carry things are even worse. Everyone is saying Pray for Peace... not gonna happen, rage and hate and violence is all over our world now and it is very scary... as I type this CNN news is showing a video of Hama on Pargagliders, 2 per glider with machine guns flying over the border for there unexpected attack. it looks like the violent GAMES kids are growing up on..

  7. Fabulous shots! Love the crow!

  8. As long as there are hominids on this Earth there will be conflict. One cannot reasonably come to any other conclusion.,

  9. The news has been horrid, and I agree that people are so angry.
    These are lovely, YAM! I have had to stop watching the news. Our time in Ottawa was great, as we had good chats. It is getting me down, as there is nothing we can do. For my mental health I have to briefly acknowledge he pain and suffering, and step back. Take care! XX

  10. All beautiful photos. The 3rd and last are my favourites. :)
    Re the link on my post, this is what it says in the description:-
    ONGC is a designated green building where the entire structure is a terraced structure with a north south orientation where the south facing side has been given lot of sun screens and the main north facing structure has been kept open with lot of the view for an eye.
    There are curves which are exclusively designed for the top elevation of the building to give it a stylish look. To make it energy efficient the building also has got a provision to embed solar photo voltaic cells which will generate power for general common areas. The best feature for ONGC in terms of energy saving is the use of the waste discharge gas from the adjoining plant which will be converted into vapor and thus generate power for the air conditioning systems for the entire building. All the materials used has a recycle component of almost 70 % like tiles, carpets, modular furniture, etc. All lights used here are also energy saving LED lamps. Even the street light within the premises are solar powered.

    1. Hari OM
      Thank you, Deepak! I just could not find it among all the other interesting items on that website! I was there for a couple of hours. A fine rabbit hole... Yxx

  11. We enjoyed seeing all the ships you have seen near the Hutch, but we have our paws crossed that the violence can stop soon.

  12. Can you hear me cheering and squealing with jubilation? I love each photo
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. I love the crow. I know not what to make of all this rage. Maybe it was always thus but we haven't always had such technologically advanced ways of killing each other.

  14. Appropriate for now when yet another war horrible war is raging...


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