What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

Hoorah, some current shots from the recent visitation of my Aberdeen friends. 

Snuggly time!

Using the new panorama function on the Gopika... looking from West Bay over to Inverkip

Gulls of various ages from this year's fledgelings to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and adult.

I mean, crikey, this is unprecedented, never mind it being in late October!

Of course, it was situation normal once the visitors departed...


  1. That's a mighty grey sky behind the tea party, so back to weather as normal was bound to happen. So pleased it was fine for you all.

  2. Beautiful photos and so nice to be abe to share the nice day with good friends. In that first photo, Nobby makes a very warm and cuddly blanket:)

  3. He does look like good doggy.
    Coffee is on.

  4. Well YAM-aunty, I want to tell you and all your readers what a fabulous time I had staying with you in Dunoon for those few days last month. I was particularly honoured that you permitted me to curl up on your lovely, cosy blanket. I am not sure whether Gail would allow me to do the same, should she ever crochet such a beautiful object. (Which she won't, as she is not so talented as you, and she doesn't do crocheting anyway.)

  5. we love the photos... and they are extra super duper great if a whft is there :O)

  6. Hi Yam - lovely to see some cheery photos - and late October sun - we have that today - but probably more rain tomorrow - it's that time of year ... still tea, coffee, cake and toastie in that warmth with your views - lovely - so pleased you had a happy visit - cheers Hilary

  7. you did a fantastic job of using Gopika! awesome shot of the sparkling water and our sweet not naughty nobby. you huggig Nobby melted my heart into a puddle. Wish I could hug him too. thanks for the super shot of Gail.. I did not know until that we share the same hair cut... I love seeing the humans that I talk to daily. makes it more real..

  8. I have visited Scotland twice, and the last time for nine full days in August. I have had but one pleasant day’s weather!

  9. Love them all but the first one is my favorite♥

  10. It looks like you and your guests enjoyed each other's company. Nobby sure did like your new blanket.

  11. OH YAM so many words not enough space. I love each photo to bits. Nobby is enjoying a snooze on that gorgeous afghan and I loved the snack you and Gail had. This post makes me very happy
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. You had a wonderful time and great photos to share it with us. I love your dog. I agree with the above comment, this post makes me very happy too.

  13. Heartwarming - all of it. So pleased you got to snuggle Nobby. He seems to achieved some balance between burning energy and restorative naps.


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