What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoizikul; Midweek Musicalisms

Among the more 'noizikul' of 20thC composers would have to be Sergei Prokofiev. A lot of you will be familiar with his Romeo and Juliet suite - in particular, the Dance of the Knights movement. I admit I was tempted to use that item, given its popularity. However, part of the purpose of this year was to challenge listening with pieces less well-known (or even unheard of). 

This one fits the bill on all counts; lesser known from the composer, brash and heavy, echoing the sounds of metal music, and played by a virtuosic young lady I had not - till finding this - heard of. It is a movement from a larger piece, and if she looks a little distracted before sitting down, it is because this was an encore, and she was clearly deciding which one to do. I am rather thrilled it was this piece - I am in awe.


  1. she is great!! and this dress is super!!!

  2. She is amazing! Take care, have a great day!

  3. Wow - she was unbelievable!

  4. you know flashing lights or gifs get to you, this music is frantice and makes me feel like lights are flashing. sorry, i just can't listen to it.

  5. Three x loveliness. The young lady, her peach dress and her talent playing the music.
    Thanks for explaining her slight bit of confusion.
    Hugs cecilia

  6. She is amazing on all levels!
    Happy Wednesday! XX

  7. She's very talented and I'm happy to have discovered her here. But I found it difficult to listen to this selection. The music was just too frantic for me to enjoy. Maybe if I had heard it as a part of the whole, this wouldn't have mattered. Thanks for introducing her to your blogger friends, she is amazing.


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