What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menosukhiri; Increased Ear Benefits

It has been a while since we heard from Olive and Mabel. Here, Andrew gives them a job appraisal - and it seems they merit a 'pay rise' in the form of further ear scritches! A gentle end to the week.


  1. How wonderful to start the day with Olive and Mabel. 'Chief provider of comfort and distraction in a troubled world' indeed. Nobby also fulfils this role to perfection. And is pretty good at 'neutralising' the horse poo threat too!
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. the perfect helpers... well done you two

  3. I would want to thrown down the rake and just go and play with the dogs! What gorgeous creatures.

  4. You have such a tough life, Olive and Mabel!

  5. Hi Yam - wonderful ... we could all do with a few of those - cheers and how very fortunate we are, as especially Olive and Mabel - cheers Hilary

  6. Thank you so much for posting this; it's simply lovely.

  7. We're big fans of Olive, Mable and Mr. Andrew Cotter too. It would be cool to have a dog's eye view of our exploration of our yard. We're going to put one of those cameras on our Christmas wish list.

  8. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YAM this was such fun. Olive and Mabel are lovely LabLadies.
    I love their enthusiasm in day to day things and the ambush was epic
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Olive and Mabel are so cute, fun video! Take care, have a great weekend!

  10. True Chief Providers of Comfort!! Thanks so much for sharing this Yam, it has me smiling from ear to ear!

  11. It got me wondering about what gappens to chief providers of comfort and distraction in places like Ukraine and Syria. Olive and Mabel are very patient with their human - as if raking leaves was a real job๐Ÿ™„. He should be throwiing sticks and balls๐Ÿ˜


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