What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Menoturals; Saturday Sounds

One of my personal favourite birds to watch is the Jackdaw. These small members of the Corvid family (sc. Coloeus) are real charmers and mate for life. They are the lovebird stars of the blackbird group, often seen preening and snuggling and checking on each other. So cute! I have a pair that visit the roof opposite me regularly, as it appears to yield good grubs and bugs for lunch. In the spring, I have spotted them nipping a few tasty buds from the Beech tree!

And here is a short clip of how they chatter together... this will be my final offering in the Menoturals posting for this year as we now go into the holiday fortnight...


  1. Hello, YAM
    Love this post with the Jackdaws, they have a cute sound. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. Such pretty birds and they remind me of crows.

  3. I have seen the word Jackdaw but don't remember seeing or hearing them before. they are adorable and even there sound is nice. I love black cats and black dogs and now add black Jackdaws to the list.

  4. They are wonderful, intelligent, appealing corvids. When I visit Europe they are high on my list of birds to see, and generally it doesn’t take long. On one trip we stopped at the retail outlet of a cheese factory and a pair appeared almost immediately. We obliged them of course by giving them a little cheese! I wouldn’t have been surprised if they’d informed us of their preference!

  5. Jackdaws are probably discussing where to go for lunch.
    Quite a pleasant sound.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Hello :=) An agreeable sound, and appearance, but the eyes have it, the Jackdaw has the most beautiful eyes.
    All the best

  7. Hi Yam - they certainly chatter around here ... in conjunction with the magpies and the seagulls - a few littlies survive ... they do have a distinctive voice - cheers Hilary

  8. They sure are clever birds. cheers

  9. I really like the way they "talk" to each other!!

  10. Beautiful photo and video. I am wishing you a beautiful holiday season filled with much love. Take care.


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