What You See Is What You Get. This is a journal blog, an explore-blog, a bit of this and that blog. Sharing where the mood takes me. Perhaps it will take you too.

Me-Now-Views - The Grey Edition

Mac1 was here for a couple of days last week to help get me going again on sorting the interior of the van. I want to be on the road again before the end of "Fearbruary", so am not looking to have it completed. But it is now at a point where I can go off on another 6-8-week run. This time, dedicated to the east coast of this Bonny Land... but more on that as it develops. Here are some of the interior shots - first two from Mac1 after day one, then mine after day two. It may not look that grand or different, but trust me, it is! I will have to get a few more screws and brackets in place, plus have some extra bungies on order to keep things in place until I get proper siding and doors sorted. This next trip will help, as did the first one, to ascertain the placement and practicality of this layout. There is space between the two shelves on the door side to place some drawers/cabinets and on the back end for a bit more storage, too. There is good storage space under the table/raiser that we have added (crikey, solid pine legs sawn by hand, we both had achy arms and shoulders from that!) I have made a wee update video, too - click the channel badge on the sidebar to go see that.

The table hadn't been on my plans... but came in a flash only a few weeks back as I realised it not only formed a stable base to which things could be anchored, it makes good use of the vertical space, brings the fridge to a practical (ie non-bending) height, allows an extension of the settee to form a proper bench bed (mattress to be sorted), which then doubles as extra seating - - as demonstrated in this first shot!

The fridge is anchored by a bracket under the outer end but will also be bungied for this first trip out.
An additional bracing bracket will be sourced ASAP, but it really is quite solidly planted.
You cannot tell from this shot the amount of manoeuvring that took place of all the stuff
that was already aboard The Grey. The table was heavier than I realised. No way could I have managed
without my sister's help. She is getting some crochet socks as a thanks. 
We were pretty done in by the end of both days.


  1. Excellent work. Nobby and I look forward to welcoming Grey 2.0, and its driver, up in Aberdeen some time this spring.
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. we love it... it is like a space ship to discover new universes...

  3. Gosh Yam - you have been working on 'the Grey' ... its really large - so hope things work out in the next few weeks before take off at the end of Fearbruary ... or however its spelt! Cheers Hilary

  4. She looks spiffy and ready to roll again for your next adventure. Well done!

  5. I saw the video yesterday. which gave me a preview of today. so glad you had your sister to assist you with this. Looks like you are almost ready to roll and roll and roll... hope by end of Feb the weather will be a lot better than now.. i am amazed at how much space is inside Grey

    1. Hari Om
      Actually, this time of year usually brings even worse weather than earlier in winter. It struggles to burst into spring... but I may have a better time of it on the east coast. Not that worried. I have this fabby mobile 'cave' to protect me! Yxx

  6. Hello,
    The Grey is looking good. I am glad your sister was there to help you. I am sure you are excited about your next trip in the Grey. Take care, have a great day!

  7. That has made a big difference - cheers to Mac 1 for getting you back downstairs and working on the next adventure.

  8. Looks like you are well prepared for an Australian safari, YAM! The east coast of Britain should be a doddle! !

  9. This is huge! You're ready for anything. I'm glad the comments mentioned what country you're in. Did you make that great knit you're wearing?

    1. Hari OM
      ...and welcome to DoWY bloggy, Boud! I have seen you around comments on mutual blogpals, so am glad to properly make your acquaintance. You can see more about my crochet projects by pressing the Crochet tab on the sidebar - and see a little video of this one by clicking the YouTube tab also on sidebar. Yxx

  10. YAM and Mac 1...you both do excellent design and engineering. Clapping from NC.
    I have never had a sibling but I can 100% say YAM and MAC1 are #1 besties and sisters
    MAC1 will love the socks
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS when do you anticipate a road trip?

    1. Hari OM
      Very soon, Miss C... keep watching! Yxx

  11. It's looking good in there. We can't wait to hear about your next travel adventure.

  12. Good organization is a real skill and you look like an expert. Great adventures lie ahead!


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